Disclaimer: Usual disclaimers apply.
Title: Never Understand
Pairing: Remus/Tonks
Rating: PG for implied, er, nightly activities.
Format and Word Count: Drabble; 127 words
Prompt: Human Behaviour by Bjork - "Be ready to get confused/There's definitely no logic/to human behaviour..."
Summary: There are lots of things he understands. She isn't one of them.
Author's Notes: Yes, very late, but I hope you still enjoy. :D
Never Understand
a Remus/Tonks fic
by Marciana (
He will never understand her.
He will never understand how a single smile can make the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.
He will never understand how her laugh always makes him want to laugh.
He will never understand how she has made him a little bit clumsier than usual.
He will never understand how, no matter how satisfied he is at the end of the night, she makes him ache for her still in the morning.
Most of all, he will never understand how someone as innocent, as clean, as beautiful as her could love someone like him.
He will never understand what he ma have done to deserve someone like her.
Truth be told, he hopes he'll never understand at all.
~ END. ~