FIC: I Close The Door (August Ficathon prompt 2)

Aug 11, 2007 20:38

Disclaimer: Usual disclaimers apply.
Title: I Close The Door
Pairing: Remus/Tonks
Rating: G
Format And Word Count: Ficlet; 324 words
Prompt: #2 - "There's no such thing as a crowded battlefield; Battlefields are lonely places." - Alfred M. Gray
Summary: "Oh my friends, my friends forgive me/that I live and you are gone/There's a grief that can't be spoken/There's a pain goes on and on..." - Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, Les Miserables The Musical
Author's Notes: This early, I'm going to apologize. I'm about to flood y'all with my fics for prompts 2 to prompt 6. Yeah, very late. I'm working on the others as well; Un-beta'ed, coz I haven't done the whole beta thing since I started writing fic years ago (tooruddyproud), may have tense problems here and there.

I Close The Door
a Remus/Tonks fic
by Marciana (lady_tavington)

I sit here and think. I think about what they could have gone through. I think about what they might have said to each other. I think about how it might have happened.

They look so peaceful. As if they're just sleeping. A part of me is convinced they're just sleeping, but the truth is too heavy, too painful to deny.

They are dead. They are dead and gone. And I'm still here.

I'll never be able to apologize to them enough...For everything they've gone through, for everything I could have done but didn't do, things I may or may not have said...

"I'm sorry."

It spills from my lips unbidden, unexpected, unimpeded.

"I'm sorry for everything. Sorry you had to die. Sorry you had to be hurt..."

Tonks is wearing a chain around her neck. I pull it out, and find their wedding rings hanging from the chain. For a moment, I'm tempted to put the rings on their fingers, where they really belong, but I decide against it.

Something is peeking out the top of Remus' jacket pocket. It's the picture of him, Tonks and Teddy. Ted looks a lot like Remus, but has Tonks's green eyes. Remus is smiling like I've never seen him smile before. He looks years younger. Tonks is smiling at him just as he's smiling at her. Teddy is reaching for his dad.

I wipe a tear from my eyes, and pocket the picture and the rings. "I'll take good care of him," I tell them, "I promise I will. He'll know everything, and he'll be proud of you. Just like I am."

I stand up, ready to leave. Ready to leave Remus and Tonks in peace, together and happy at last, I hope. But when, as I reach for the door, I look back, I can just barely find them among countless other nameless heroes.

All gone. All at peace. All quiet.

I close the door.

~ END. ~

lady tavington, august ficathon, prompt 2

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