Prompt 30

Feb 01, 2007 19:51

Title: Three words
Author: everknowledge
Format& Word Count: drabble, 99 words
Rating: G.
Prompt: #30 Depeche Mode Lyrics
Summary: They are only three words
Author's Note : Sorry this is late.

I love you

Three words comprised of eight letters.

Three words, a simple statement of feeling and emotion.

Three words that could be translated into any language.

Three words spoken each day by billions of people around the world.

“I love you”

Three words he believed would never be spoken to him again.

Three words whispered to him during a warm embrace.

Three words that chilled him as he realized their implication.

Three words he couldn’t deny he reciprocated.

Three words he was terrified to repeat back.

Three words that would change everything, but maybe not for the better.

everknowledge, prompt 30

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