Title: A Simple Sort of Fairytale
Author: Viki (
Format & Word Count: Great big drabble, 256 words
Rating: G
Prompt: 22-Fisher Lyrics
Warning: None! Ohmigosh, she can write fluff, people!
Summary: Tonks reflects on the stories of her childhood, and compares them to her own 'prince'
Author's Note: Didn't mean to drop off the face of the Earth. I've got more to post at home, but I finished this from work and decided to go ahead and post, since I'm so terribly far behind. Be playing a bit of catchup the rest of the week.
Tonks, as a child, had always pictured a wedding of her dreams. The kind the girls in those muggle stories had. Cinderella, with her ballgown, being swept off to a castle and away from the trials of everyday life by a handsome prince. Sleeping Beauty, lying in wait for a hundred years before her handsome prince found her. Even the little mermaid, giving up her soul for the man she loved, seemed an improvement over bland and boring.
But that wasn't what was to be. The man who won her heart wasn't overly handsome, though he certainly had his attractive features. He wasn't exceedingly charismatic, either, choosing to be quiet and save his speech for crucially important moments instead. Theirs wasn't a story of intensely passionate love, where the sun set behind each of their kisses.
In a way, though, it was still something out of a storybook. Not meant to be, not in any way. Their circumstances were filled with tragedy, with heartache. He was, indeed, noble, however much that infuriated her. He was also charming, even if only alone with her, hidden in shadows as he kissed her sweetly and called her beautiful.
Though Remus Lupin wasn't a prince, he was exactly what she wanted. Not something out of dreams, but a real, honest man who loved her. And, if she chose to read between the lines of the stories, that's what they all had. Love. So maybe her love story was a bit of a fairytale of its own, after all.