Prompt 14, Prompt 15

Jan 15, 2007 20:51

Title: Remus and the Tramp pt. 2
Author: Devonwood
Format & Word Count: Ficlet; 1,109
Rating: PG-13, T
Prompt: Prompt 14 (J.R.R. Tolkein quote), Prompt 15
Warning: Small amount of language
Summary: There’s a trouble with fires…
Author's Note: Sequel to Remus and the Tramp pt.1 . If anyone was wondering, this takes place during the summer before OotP, and is before the Weasleys arrive at Grimmauld. Also, I wasn’t able to look at my copy of OotP, so excuse any mistakes I made about the interior of the Ministry. Parts three and four to come later. ;)

Remus Lupin did not like to be stared at.

He had always been gawked at by passersby when he walked down the street. In some cases, it was because of his shabby clothes and prematurely greying hair. In others, and this was usually done by people who cohorted with Dolores Umbridge, they scoffed at the fact that he was even allowing himself to be in the presence of the normal society.

He wasn’t sure that he had ever been gawked at for the company he associated with.

And really, he couldn’t blame anyone doing a double take when they saw an old man with a sprightly young witch, dressed like a working girl from head to toe, on his arm. The situation reminded him of the classic movie Lady and the Tramp, although he wasn’t quite sure if he was supposed to be the Lady or not. It was an interesting paradox that kept his mind occupied as they made their way to the telephone booth behind an old run-down shop.

Tonks was humming some unknown tune, and Remus could feel her heels clicking in time to the beat. Every once in awhile there was a tiny stumble, but she usually managed to right herself without much need of assistance. He secretly wondered how long she had been practicing walking in those shoes. But, walking a half-step behind her certainly didn’t have any disadvantages, especially since her hips swayed back and forth, capturing his interest like a hypnotist’s pendulum.

Remus, ever the gentleman, slid the door open for Tonks, who nodded her head in a thank you. She stared at her shoes fixedly with a pursed lip expression, Remus assuming that she was thinking about how much farther she could walk in those heels before taking a tumble for the worst. Her badge came first down the chute, and she puzzled for a moment before finding a place to pin it. With a chuckle, she stuck it to the pocket of her shorts.

“Not like there’s any room on the top.”

Indeed, Remus thought, looking away quickly. He pulled his badge from the chute and stuck it to his jumper without even looking at it. It would say what it always said.

Remus J. Lupin


Tonks pursed her lips in distaste, and she kept that look all the way to the Ministry Atrium. The interior seemed to be buzzing with activity, and no one really seemed to notice that the two of them stuck out like a sore thumb. Remus thought this was especially odd, since they looked like they belonged in a seedy bar in the Red Light District. He could almost imagine the smell of beer and cigarettes permeating the air around them, and clinging to their clothes like a thick fog. Clearing his head with a shake that seemed to dislodge the smoke, he stepped in line for the detector behind Tonks.

“Is it Friday already?” The guard asked when they walked through the detector. Tonks grinned.

“It’s only Tuesday.” She answered, putting an extra sway in her step as she turned around to wait for Remus to come through. The guard made a grunting noise, and turned to the next person in line.

“How awkward was that?” Tonks asked jokingly, guiding Remus to the elevators. He felt compelled to follow along like a devoted puppy; those heels looked extremely sharp. Punching the correct button, Tonks sighed a bit as the doors closed, leaving them alone.

“Just be glad this isn’t one of the busy days.” She turned, leaning back against the wall. It made her legs seem even longer, and Remus swallowed hard.

“This isn’t busy?”

“Oh, no. Normally, I have to get in the elevator with ten other people, and each person gets off on a different floor. It takes bloody forever to get to my office.”

“Even on Fridays?”

She chuckled, and a dangerous glint appeared in her eyes.

“Especially on Fridays.”

Remus made a choking sound as the doors opened, and Kingsley seemed right there to greet them.

“I owled him before we left.” Tonks explained.

Kingsley wolf-whistled as he took in her full appearance, and Remus felt his hands clench into a fist at his side.

“I didn’t think you would actually come in your…er… ‘outfits’. You both certainly went all out. I had a bet with Arthur that you would refuse to dress up at all. I owe him a pint at the Three Broomsticks, it seems.” The large man said, glancing to Remus with a grin.

“I was going to wear the shirt I wore last week, but I thought that might be overdoing it.” Tonks said with a laugh, and Kingsley joined in.

“That certainly wouldn’t have gone unappreciated by the Auror staff.” He added, his laugh covering up Remus’s sharp intake of breath.

“I’m dying to know where we’re going, King.” Tonks mentioned after a moment, and Remus let out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding.

“Hagrid’s in need of your services at Hogwarts. Apparantly, there’s a trouble with fires, and he wants you to get rid of it. I hope it doesn’t tickle your fancy, as this is no laughing matter.”

Tonks nodded silently, a beat behind Remus. Kingley also gave a nod that they had received the news, and he turned around and walked back to his office.

Without any further word, Remus and Tonks stepped back into the elevator, joined this time by a portly woman who had a haircut remarkably similar to Umbridge’s. Remus had to squint and look closer to make sure it wasn’t her, but when she left, he realized that this woman was indeed too skinny to be Dolores. And she smoked, as was evidenced by the cloud of ash that surrounded her when she exited the doors.

“Are you up for this mission?” Tonks asked solemnly, turning towards Remus once the doors had closed.

“It doesn’t seem too difficult. Hagrid probably just misfired with his umbrella, and set some of the Forbidden Forest on fire. A quick Aguamenti, and we'll be on our way.”

Tonks opened her eyes wide, stepping back to lean on the wall of the elevator.

“Kingsley was talking in code, incase he was overheard. We’re not there to get rid of the fire. We’re there to get rid of the cause. ‘This is no laughing matter’.”

He must not have seemed to understand, because Tonks elaborated. “Never tickle a sleeping dragon; never laugh at a live dragon.”

Remus stared straight ahead for a moment before he finally caught on.

“Dragons.” He whispered. “We have to get rid of a dragon.”

prompt 15, devonwood, prompt 14

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