LJ Idol Week 14: Confessions From The Chair

Jul 10, 2014 13:34

Charles Bukowsi once wrote “If you have to sit for hours staring at your computer screen or hunched over your typewriter searching for words, don’t do it.”

I was totally inspired by the prompt for LJ Idol this week so I’m kind of shocked to be hours away from the posting deadline with about three half-finished stories and a strong desire to take a nap (or just hide under the bed).

I had planned to work up until the deadline hoping to manage a suitable entry but my heart’s just not in it today. I had a bit of a stressful morning at work and I can’t seem to get my writing mojo activated.

I was really enjoying the challenge of LJ Idol and I really don’t want to be out of the game yet but since I will be working and camping at the Faerieworlds Art and Music Festival the whole last week of July and will likely be without internet (and I am all out of BYEs) I might as well bow out now.

At this point I was mostly competing against myself to see if I could stay in the game until I left for the festival anyway. When I signed up I never imagined I’d make it this far and I exceeded my own expectations.

I can honestly say this is the first time I have done anything like this. I hardly ever shared my writing before with anyone ever so the feedback I’ve received during these last few months from friends, family and the LJ Idol community has been unexpected and overwhelmingly encouraging which makes it even harder to admit defeat.

I will Home Game as much as possible, and read and comment, and generally lurk around the LJI community. I truly wish I had found therealljidol before its final season. I don’t think I would feel so sad right now if I could just sign up again next time. Maybe I can try to get back in during the second chance thing I've heard about if it happens.

I would like to take a second to thank the great and powerful Sir Gary who is just kind of amazing to take on this much work so that someone like me could have a reason to be writing and a community to share it with.

LJ Idol has made me a better writer, a bolder writer; someone who actually feels like I can call myself a writer (a poet…a wordsmith).

I leave you with a picture of The Poet’s Chair on the third floor of The City Lights Bookstore one of my favorite places in San Francisco.

TL;DR This is a sacrificial goodbye post. Thank you for making a noob feel so welcomed and encouraged. Gary/LJI is awesome. Oh my gosh I’m a writer.

cross post, ljidol, selfie tag

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