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So I have a job.
I sort of meant to make a post about this as an announcement, but the truth is that I've been so busy this week with the actual job, I've barely even set foot in my home office. I've left my computer off basically all this week. Very odd. I am, in fact, making this post at work, before anyone else shows up. Because I have rediscovered my ability to get up in the morning. :)
So I am the new webmaster/front end developer at
Visible Shops, LLC. And so far, it been really great. We work with small businesses on their internet marketing, very much the same kind of thing I've been doing as a freelancer. Only now, I'm better paid, and we're much more competent. And we can do all kinds of things that I would have had no idea how to set up, involving SEO, Google analytics and mass email newsletter systems. Oh, also, we're not evil, that's important to know - all of my coworkers are really great people, and it's a very comfortable environment. And because we're still a pretty small firm, what I do here really has an impact. For example, Visible Shops is now offering Flash development, because I can do that.
In theory, while I'm no longer going to be doing freelance design, but my illustration career continues. We shall see where it goes.