Originally published at
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I've been making some updates to
my site. (finally - it seems like I only get to this about once a year). Some new images in both color and black & white, some scattered other changes. What I'd really like is a much more major overhaul - ideally by way of installing gallery software on my site like what I have set up here on Dream Colony. Or even just a mirror of my DC gallery embedded in a different format. But I'm trying to make baby steps at first, so I don't find myself overwhelmed.
In other career news, I've been applying to some full-time design positions (many thanks to Richard and Elliot for literally putting jobs in my lap) and I'm considering them with a very complicated mix of anticipation and terror. I waffle every other hour or so between really hoping that I get hired, and really hoping that I don't. The truth is, I am pretty busy with my freelance work, but I'm really not making the kind of money I should be. But still, I always seem just a step or two away from more business, and it's hard to give up on all that I've been working on for the past few years.
Anyway, back to work - I have some underpaying illustrations to finish on a tight deadline. :)