Jun 06, 2010 01:44
I used to post a fuck tonne of bullshit.
Here's an update:
different guy. also a redhead. maybe for too long.
different job. still customer service heavy.
in school. finally.
still an enforcer. also a manager.
currently a redhead. delved into brunette town for a bit. always a blonde at heart.
live with fairly bitchin people.
still a sounders fan.
family is still awesome. dad is moving to Reno. mom is major sick. never see my nieces and nephew.
have good friends. no best friend in quite a while. maybe i need to be a better friend.
still find everything interesting. it can be distracting.
anywhere near where i wanted to be or thought i'd be at 25? hell to the no.
BA or above? nope
married? nyet
starting a family? not even close
but i'm doing something to better myself, which should surround me with better people and things right? and if i think about only the current quarter and/or next, my brain shouldn't explode.