I had completely forgotten in all of my extension downloading that I picked up a fairly nifty blogger. I can keep surfing all I want but keep the one window at the bottom open for typing. Pretty handy when you need to find a link or a picture and only have one workspace. Along with
Performancing I picked up
Clipmarks, the
download statusbar and
Yoono which is sort of like Stumbleupon. So far I've used Clipmarks the most.
In other news...
Work is crazy this week. We are honestly running out of cameras on the shelves. I've also been in the lab a lot lately. Which is good and not at the same time. I have to deal with customers less which is nice when I'm feeling antisocial. But it also means I'm selling a lot less and have to do 10 things at once when I close the lab and it's just me and one other person in the store. At least the holiday shopping season is nearly over. Still not sure whether or not I'm working Christmas Eve. Even if I do it shouldn't be too bad since dinner starts around 6 and I think that's when the mall closes that day. I could be wrong.
One of my fellow enforcers is coming home this week from school. A bunch of us are going to do the traditional ihop night this Friday. Another enforcer is coming up from L.A. in January for her 21st birthday. Both should definitely be good times.
I should go finish up Christmas cards now!