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rsadelle October 18 2005, 04:15:50 UTC
I watched X-Files through my sophomore year in college. I might not have watched even that far, but my sophomore roommate was into it too. The only later episodes I've seen (I think) are the one where they killed off the Lone Gunmen (Amy: Killing Byers is like kicking a puppy.), which does have a redeeming Skinner/Scully moment, and the second half of the series finale, which I watched in the hotel room after graduation.

Mmm, House. I love House. You must have missed my poll with the House/Baby Chase question. There was one episode that I both missed and forgot to tape, but I think I caught it in reruns.

TNG is definitely my favorite. It's not on the list because I own seasons 1 and 5, and I'm still thinking about continuing to get one season a year until I have all 7. I liked DS9 for a while, until it got too hard to follow if you missed an episode. (It helps that I had a huge crush on Kira.) I actually liked first season Voyager the first time around (it's in my queue so I can see if I'll still like it), but at some point the moralizing did get to be too much, and then I heard that B'Elanna (another Trek woman I had a huge crush on) and Tom hooked up, which ruined my Voyager OTP (B'Elanna/Chakotay, which they were totally setting up in season 1).


allegram October 18 2005, 06:15:53 UTC
It's funny, I never rec DS9 because I thought it got annoying really fast (though I was a devoted watcher for the first couple seasons). But one of my big problems with it was Kira, so I can see that if you did like her then it would be pretty good (though not as good as TNG of course)

I'm watching this old movie with Ann Margaret called "Made in Paris", and it's pretty funny got lots of that 70's conflict: to sex or not to sex. And I was pretty amused by a man describing this girl as wanting a night of "almosts": almost danger, almost love, almost sex. It just struck me as interesting... and it's late so I'm typing too much...and, um, I'll go now.



rsadelle October 19 2005, 04:11:14 UTC
We clearly have different ideas about "really fast." I only watched the first two or three seasons. What didn't you like about Kira? Bajoran women were hot, except for the evil Vedek (Winn, I think). (No Star Trek is as good as TNG. I have all these happy memories of having you and Laura spend the night on Saturday nights and watching TNG and eating pizza in the living room. Every once in a while on a Saturday, I have to order pizza and sit on the floor to eat it while watching TNG.)


You watch odd things.


ee970 October 18 2005, 13:52:55 UTC
B'Elanna/Chakotay? I was totally a Captain/Chakotay shipper (in the few episodes I watched...) --of course, later I heard that the "in" ship in Voyager was Tom/Harry (which I never saw) and Captain/7 of 9. I only ever watched one episode with her so I can't really say anything about her, but my brother was like "well, at least she has nice boobs." B'Elanna and Tom do hook up, fairly early, too. They get rid of Kes at the beginning of the first season, which can't help but be a good thing. DS9 I would've kept up with if I hadn't gone to school... Kira/Odo and Garek/doctor kid were both incredibly cute, I thought. I guess, shows with ongoing plots are a lot easier to watch when you've got the DVDs. :)

I don't know if I saw your House poll, since I just started watching like two weeks ago. Yeah, yeah, I'm slow...


rsadelle October 19 2005, 05:23:03 UTC
Have you seen the episode where B'Elanna's having someone else's dreams? They're at least mildly erotic. The only person she tells at first is Chakotay, and she threatens to rip his heart out and eat it if he ever tells anyone about it, but she says it very affectionately.

They tried pushing the Chakotay/Janeway the first season, but I just never liked Janeway that much. Plus, you know, the B'Elanna/Chakotay.

I think the Tom/Chakotay was bigger than Harry/Tom, which was too bad, because, you know, B'Elanna/Chakotay.

The OTPs where I have issues reading either half of the pairing with anyone else are always het couples.


ee970 October 19 2005, 12:23:30 UTC
The OTPs where I have issues reading either half of the pairing with anyone else are always het couples.

The solution to this, you see, is threesomes. In the magical world of fic, they always work out fine. :)

(..........if anyone would write any dammed het threesomes. Grr.)


rsadelle October 24 2005, 03:13:49 UTC
But with the OTPs, I don't even want them shared with anyone else even if they're still together!

I've read het threesomes! There are lots of them in Buffy fandom.


ee970 October 25 2005, 08:38:30 UTC
Huh, I guess that does put a damper on things... I tend to have the problem of liking A with B and A with C, but not B with C... Foolish logic, getting in the way of porn. :P

Huh, maybe I am just in the wrong fandoms. Cartoon fangirls tend to be EW HET or EW GAY...it's really hard to find writers who'll do both. :(


rsadelle November 3 2005, 03:28:50 UTC
That's just further proof that cartoon fangirls are weird. ;p

I guess if you want threesome het, you really will have to find a new fandom! I've read X-Files m/m/f threesomes too. Of course, those were mostly just porn where Buffy has some that are actually about a relationship.


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