WIP Amnesty: girl!Jeff/Megan meeting on the beach (4000 words, Explicit)

Mar 24, 2014 08:40

According to Megan, she and Jeff met on the beach one summer. In the interview with her in Jeff's Cup day vid, she straight-faced tells the camera that Miley is Jeff's dog (at 4 minutes in). That part's a lie, but I always wonder if the part about Miley being there when she met Jeff isn't.

Once they find a spot on the beach to set up their chairs and ice chest, Jeff strips off her t-shirt and shorts so she's just in her tankini.

"Fuck, you're pale," Scotty says.

Jeff flips him off. It's not like he's really any better. There's not a lot of tanning in hockey.

"It's bright out here," someone else says. "You really should wear sunblock if you don't want to burn."

Jeff turns toward the voice, which is coming from the hottest of the girls in a group of them stretched out on a towel next to where Jeff and her friends are. The girl, who has long, dark hair, boobs to die for, and an infectious smile, holds out an open bottle of sunblock.

"Here," she says. "You do your legs. I'll get your shoulders."

Jeff holds out her hand and lets the girl squeeze sunblock into it. It's hard to focus on putting sunblock on her legs with the girl's hands on her shoulders, rubbing sunblock up into her neck and, when Jeff's done with her legs and her face, down her arms.

Jeff turns her head to look at the girl when she's done, the girl still half draped over her.

"Close your eyes," the girl says, letting go of Jeff and reaching back into her bag.


"Spray sunblock." The girl holds it up. "Trust me, you don't want to get sunburnt on the top of your head."

Jeff closes her eyes and lets the girl spray sunblock over her post-playoffs short hair.

"Thanks," she says when the girl's done. "Want a beer?"

"Sure," the girl chirps, and then she scolds, "Miley, no," when a tiny, white dog noses into the ice chest as Jeff opens it. "I'm so sorry," the girl says, leaning over Jeff again to scoop up the dog. "Bad Miley," she croons. "You know you're not supposed to do that."

"Does she want some ice?" Jeff takes a piece out of the cooler and holds it out to the dog in the palm of her hand.

Miley sniffs at Jeff's hand and licks her palm as she takes the ice.

"Thank you," the girl says. She takes the beer Jeff holds out to her. "That was really sweet of you."

Jeff ducks her head a little. "No problem," she says. "She's a cute dog."

"I think so," the girl says. "I'm Megan, and you met Miley, and these are my sisters and some friends." She gestures at the other girls next to her.

Jeff has no idea what possesses her to tell Megan, "Jessica, but I usually go by Jeff. Friends." She waves at Scotty and the rest of them, doing her best to ignore the looks on their faces.

"Nice to meet you, Jeff," Megan says. "We'll have to make sure you reapply your sunblock later, or if you go in the water."

"Yeah," Jeff says.

Megan lies down on her back on her towel. Miley curls up next to her. Megan has shades on, so Jeff can't tell for sure where she's looking. Jeff drags her eyes away from Megan's round boobs and flat stomach so she's not being creepy.

Jeff does go in the water later, not very far, but a little ways in while she and the boys throw a Frisbee around. Megan comes down to the water with Miley after a while, and Jeff feints at Miley with the Frisbee.

"She's too small for that," Megan laughs.

Jeff shrugs. "She doesn't think so."

"She doesn't know any better."

They walk up the beach together, Miley trotting alongside Megan, and Megan makes Jeff put sunblock on again, then hands her the bottle and turns around. "Will you get my back?"

Megan's bikini top leaves a lot more open skin than Jeff's tankini. A lot more smooth, tan skin. Jeff maybe takes longer than she really needs to.

Megan doesn't seem to mind, smiles blindingly at Jeff before she lies down on her towel. She's stretched out on her stomach, face turned the other way, and Jeff keeps stealing glances at her, skin she was just touching, ass not quite as curved as Jeff's but enough of a match to Megan's boobs to be really, really hot.

Their two groups pack up at about the same time, and after some completely unsubtle nudging from her friends, Jeff steps up, puts her hand on Megan's arm and says, "Hey, you wanna get something to eat?"

Megan smiles up at her and says, "Yes." She pulls on a coverup that's more like a dress and makes arrangements for one of the other girls to take Miley. Then she hooks her bag over her shoulder, and says, "Let's go."

They don't do anything fancy, just get slices of pizza and sit across from each other in the cooler shade while Megan tells Jeff stories and stupid jokes that make her laugh.

Jeff rubs the back of her head when they're done and asks, "Do you want to, um-" She gets it wrong sometimes, thinking girls are interested when they're just being friendly.

Megan's eyes go dark, though, and she says, "Yes."

They walk to Jeff's place, Megan's arm hooked through hers this time, Megan's skin hot against hers.

Jeff doesn't bother with the rest of the house and takes Megan straight up the stairs to her bedroom.

It's a stretch for Megan to kiss her, so Jeff bends down, wraps her arms around Megan. Megan kisses with the same wide enthusiasm as her smile, and she only steps away from Jeff to take off her coverup.

Jeff takes off her t-shirt and shorts so they're on equal footing, and they go back to kissing.

Jeff's hands find the knot of Megan's bikini top at the center of her back, and she rests them there for a minute.

"Go on," Megan says.

It's easy, just two knots, one there and one at the top of her spine, and then the top is falling away from Megan's boobs. Jeff has to stop and just look at the perfect, full curves of them.

While Jeff is looking, Megan hooks her thumbs into the tiny sides of her bikini bottoms and pushes them down to fall at her feet. She steps out of them and backwards, turning her head to look so she ends up perfectly centered on Jeff's bed. She props herself up on her elbows and looks at Jeff.

Jeff yanks her tankini off and scrambles to join Megan on the bed. She slides her hands up the slightest hint of curve to Megan's stomach, the one she didn't want to stop looking at on the beach.

"Can I?" she asks, and she dips her head toward Megan's breasts.

"Yes," Megan says. "They're really," she gasps when Jeff licks over her nipple, "sensitive."

Jeff licks again, liking that gasp. She uses her hand on Megan's other breast, feather light touches over her nipple, and gets another gasp out of her, and another and another.

Megan's squirming under her, wet against Jeff's thigh, by the time Jeff sucks on one of her nipples.

The sound Megan makes is less of a gasp and more of a sob. "Please," she moans, "Jeff."

Jeff pushes one finger into Megan, and then a second when the first one goes in so easily. She curves the rest of her hand in, pressing her palm to Megan's clit.

Megan cries out, and she moves against Jeff's hand, presses her boobs up into Jeff's mouth. She shouts when she comes, wordless noise that echoes off the walls of Jeff's bedroom.

Jeff works her through it, and then sits back to look at Megan, sprawled out and satisfied in her bed. She takes a moment to feel smug about it. Megan was one of the hottest girls on the beach, and Jeff's the one who got to bring her home and make her look like this.

Megan reaches for Jeff, and she leans down so Megan can kiss her. She stretches out next to Megan, and it's barely a minute of running her hand over Megan's stomach and up the underside of her breasts before Megan leans over Jeff and says, "Your turn."

She kisses Jeff, and skims her lips over her neck, and then down. "Do you like being touched here?" She cups one of Jeff's breasts in her hand.

"Yes," Jeff says, "but they're not as sensitive as yours. Which is good, I guess. Wouldn't be fun under pads or getting slammed into the boards."

Megan blinks at her. "What?"

"Uh, I play hockey," Jeff says.

"Oh my God." Megan groans and puts her face down into Jeff's shoulder. "You're Jeff Carter. How did I not figure that out earlier?"

At another time, it might be funny, but right now Jeff's really turned on and she really wants Megan to get her off. She's terrible at dirty talk, but she says, "You could make it up to me."

Megan looks up at her, and it only takes a minute for the look on her face to go from embarrassed to a teasing sparkle. "I think I can do that." She comes up to kiss Jeff, and then she moves down. She spends a bare minute at Jeff's breasts - it feels good, but they aren't that sensitive - and then she moves down again. She kisses down Jeff's stomach, pausing for a second to say, "Your abs are amazing. I don't know why you keep them covered up." She doesn't wait for Jeff to say anything before she keeps going.

She goes down over Jeff's hips and then down between her legs. Megan's good at this, really good at it. Jeff's not just saying that because she's so turned on already. She doesn't have to do anything. Megan pays attention to what she likes and just keeps going and going until Jeff's orgasm rolls over her like a wave.

Megan comes up after, looking sunny and cheerful even with her hair a mess, and she hovers for just a second before she kisses Jeff. Jeff doesn't care about tasting herself on Megan, or she doesn't dislike it anyway. She likes the proof that Megan was just eating her out, and she doesn't mind the actual taste.

Megan lies down next to Jeff, and Jeff turns toward her so they can keep kissing. They talk after a while, too, about the beach and where Megan's from and what she wants to do with her life.

They make out some more later, and Jeff rolls on top of Megan while they do, her breasts against Megan's. She gets her thigh between Megan's legs and a hand under Megan's ass to hold her there, and Megan falls onto the bed after they come, tendrils of hair plastered to her forehead with sweat. She's still one of the hottest girls Jeff has ever seen, and definitely the hottest one she's ever had in her bed.

Jeff brushes Megan's hair off her face. Megan's smile is fuzzy and soft, and she curls her fingers around Jeff's.

"You should stay," Jeff blurts out without planning to say anything at all.

"Okay," Megan says.

Jeff smiles at her helplessly, and Megan giggles a little and kisses her.

"You're heavy," Megan says, and she makes Jeff roll to the side.

"You're tiny," Jeff says, but she goes where Megan wants her to, and ends up curled around her, arm over Megan's stomach and Megan's head tucked under her chin.

"There," Megan says with a sigh. "Perfect."

Jeff kisses the top of her head and silently agrees.


They've been dating for six months - six months of Megan coming to Philly on what passes for her weekends when she doesn't have other plans, six months of Jeff driving over to Mechanicsburg on days off, three months of Mike chirping Jeff and three months of him getting used to the fact that Jeff's serious about Megan - when Megan snuggles into Jeff's side and asks, "Do you ever want to fuck me?"

"I fuck you all the time," Jeff says, because she does. They fuck at least a couple of times every time they see each other, even when one of them of is on her period.

Megan kisses her shoulder. "Yes, you do, and it's amazing. I meant a strap-on."

"Uh." Jeff stares down at her.

"Have you ever?"

"No," Jeff says.

Megan tilts her head up and rests her chin on Jeff's chest. "Do you want to?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes," Megan says. "But only if you want to."

"Yeah," Jeff says, "I guess." It's not something she's ever thought about doing, but she'd do a lot to make Megan feel good, and it doesn't seem like too much to ask.

"Okay," Megan says. "Next time we'll do that."

Next time turns out to be two weeks later when Megan comes to Philly again. They make out for a while before Megan pushes Jeff away and goes to get a box out of her bag. She opens it and dumps a mess of straps and a dildo onto the bed.

Jeff stares at Megan's hands around the dildo when she picks it up and settles it into the straps.

"Okay," Megan says, "we're going to have to adjust these a little." She makes Jeff step into the straps, and then kneels at her feet to mess with them. It's weird and awkward, and even Megan's hands on her don't quite tip it over into really sexy.

Megan kisses Jeff's hip when she decides the straps are good enough. "Next time," she says, "we won't have to spend as much time on this part." She stands up, and Jeff watches her wrap her fingers around the dildo. She can't feel it, but she can feel the way it moves between her body and Megan's touch.

Megan strokes it a couple of times, and then smiles up at Jeff, the same brilliant, irresistible smile that Jeff can never say no to.

Jeff bends down to kiss her. Megan winds her arms around Jeff's shoulders and hangs on, and that part is familiar.

It's not that different, then. There's the unfamiliar feel of the dildo between them, but foreplay is just the same, making out and Jeff getting her hands on Megan's boobs, getting onto the bed when the angle to bend down to Megan starts to bother Jeff's neck.

It's Megan who decides when they move on, rolling onto her back and grabbing a bottle from the nightstand. She pours lube into her hand and strokes it up and down the dildo. "You should fuck me now."

Jeff holds onto the base of the dildo, feeling kind of dumb while she gets between Megan's legs and lets Megan guide the head of it into herself. Megan bites her lip, and she's all flushed like she gets when she's really turned on.

"Is this okay?" Jeff asks. It's weird to not be able to feel Megan while she's doing something to her.

Megan nods her head, fast, and pats Jeff's hip. "Yeah, yeah, just getting used to it. It always takes a minute." She pulls Jeff's head down and arches up a little to kiss her. "This is going to be so good."

They make out for a bit, Jeff careful not to push closer, and then Megan hooks her leg around Jeff's hips and tugs her in. It doesn't feel like much to Jeff, but she watches Megan's face as she goes, and it feels good when the dildo's all the way inside Megan and they're pressed together.

Megan lets out a little, almost breathless laugh. "That's it."

"What do you want me to do now?" Jeff asks.

"Fuck me," Megan says. "I like it." She pushes Jeff's hips back. "There's a vibrator too, for you." She takes Jeff's hand and guides her fingers to the switch.

Jeff thrusts into Megan a couple of times, trying to get used to the feeling of it. It's hard to focus on with the vibrator buzzing against her, and she pauses on an outstroke to turn it off.

Megan frowns at her. "You don't like it?"

"Too distracting." Jeff pushes all the way in, leans down to kiss Megan. It's easier this time to move her hips, figuring out how to fuck Megan, setting up a steady rhythm.

Megan really does like it. She pushes into Jeff's thrusts for a while, lets her do all the work for a while, puts one hand on Jeff's hip and brings the other up to cup her breast. She's flushed and gorgeous the whole time.

"Can you come like this?" Jeff asks.

Megan shakes her head. "Grinding is better for that, but don't stop yet." She squeezes both hands, fingers digging into Jeff's hip and breast.

Jeff keeps fucking her until Megan is hitching her hips, face flushed and sweaty like when Jeff teases her boobs forever before she touches her cunt. Then she thrusts all the way in and tries just grinding her hips against Megan's. She doesn't think she's getting it right, and while Megan isn't complaining, it doesn't seem to be getting her off either.

Jeff stills and kisses Megan, nipping at her lips for a moment. "Maybe if you ride me," she suggests, because she thinks she wants to see that.

It's awkward for a minute while they figure it out, until Jeff sits up and Megan straddles her, sliding down onto the dildo.

Jeff gasps a little at the way it presses against her this way, and she pushes Megan back enough to get at the switch for the vibrator.

It's way better for her like this, and she doesn't have to think too much about what she's doing with Megan grinding down against her. It also means she can catch Megan's mouth in a kiss, tonguing into her and cupping her ass to hold her close.

Megan's eyes stay closed when Jeff pulls back, and Jeff takes advantage of it to bend her head and take one of Megan's nipples into her mouth.

Megan groans out Jeff's name, and her hips jerk against Jeff's. Jeff doesn't let up, holding Megan close and sucking at her breasts. The mix of the vibrator and Megan's movements are going to make her come pretty soon, and she wants Megan to get there too.

It works, and Megan comes first, crying out and grabbing at Jeff, hips pressing close. She stops moving after a moment, and Jeff grinds up into her a little bit more, making Megan gasp and rubbing the vibrator just right for her.

"Okay," Megan says, "come on, baby." She kisses Jeff, runs her hands all over Jeff's skin.

It still takes a minute, both of them working to get Jeff there, before everything whites out as Jeff comes.

"No, wait," Megan says when Jeff pushes her hips back. "It's good."

"Need to turn off the vibrator," Jeff says. She does that and then lets Megan sink all the way down on the dildo again. Megan's tiny movements send little sparks of aftershocks through her.

Jeff kisses her, drinking in Megan's satisfied little sighs.

"Was that good?" She knows it was, but she likes the look Megan throws her.

"Yes." Megan slides her arms up so they're looped around Jeff's neck. "That was amazing. Did you like it?"

Jeff really thinks about it. It's maybe not something she wants to do every time, but she really liked the way it made Megan look, and she came pretty hard at the end. "Yes," she says.

"Oh, good." Megan kisses her, a quick little smack of lips on lips, and slides off of the dildo and out of her lap. "I love your fingers, but sometimes I want something else inside me. I have other dildos too." She laughs at whatever look is on Jeff's face. "Don't worry. I would never replace you with one of them." She leans over the bed and kisses Jeff before she starts to unbuckle one of the straps around Jeff's thigh. "Sometimes I just want your mouth on me."

Jeff lets Megan get the harness unbuckled and off of her before she grabs Megan around the waist and pulls her down onto the bed.

Megan laughs, and then squirms around so Jeff's hold is less awkward and more comfortable. "And I can fuck you too sometime, if you want to try that."

"Okay," Jeff says. She'd agree to almost anything Megan asked her for right now.


They try it in the morning, Megan more comfortable than Jeff with putting on the harness. It's not bad, and Jeff comes, but it's not as good as fucking Megan was.

Megan kisses her and pats her cheek when Jeff tells her that. "That's okay. I'd rather get fucked anyway, and there are plenty of other ways I can get you off."

Jeff smiles at her, more relieved than she thought she would be, and Megan smiles back, the same smile that made Jeff want her the first time they met.


"I don't know why you're limiting yourself to just one woman," Mike says when Jeff's on the phone with him trying to figure out where to take Megan for their first anniversary.

Jeff just shrugs and says, "She's the right woman." Maybe Mike will find that someday, or maybe he'll be happy with a lot of girls. It doesn't matter that much to Jeff; chirping aside, they don't have to do everything together, and Megan is the woman for Jeff.

Mike does, at least, have good ideas about restaurants, and Jeff makes reservations at a really nice one for the Saturday before their anniversary. Megan wears a gorgeous dress and Jeff wears the game day suit that's most likely to make Megan jump her.

Jeff bought her jewelry too, a necklace that she gives her over dinner, and Megan has her do up the clasp so she can wear it. The flowers Jeff bought are on the counter at home, a brief flash of deep red out of the corner of her eye as Jeff walks Megan to the stairs.

Megan strips Jeff, not letting her help, and pushes her onto the bed. Then she strips off everything but the necklace, slowly so Jeff gets to watch her, propped up against the headboard so she can see everything.

Then Megan climbs onto the bed with her, lying down over her and kissing her for a long time. She kisses her way down Jeff's body and stops somewhere below Jeff's breasts. "Oh my God. You're Jeff Carter."

Jeff laughs, and laughs some more, and Megan grins at her and goes down on her until Jeff's dizzy with it.


On their actual anniversary, Jeff slips out of bed before Megan's even awake and makes breakfast that she brings to Megan in bed, with a box she hands to Megan.

"What's this?"

"Open it."

"You already got me a present."

Jeff shrugs. "This is another one."

Megan takes the lid off the box and folds the tissue paper back, then laughs when she sees what's in it: a bikini - Jeff's been shopping with her enough that she knows what Megan likes - and a bottle of sunblock. "Thanks, babe."

Jeff moves the box out of the way and gives Megan the tray with her breakfast instead. "I thought we could spend the day at the beach. Maybe get some pizza later."

"Jeff," Megan says, all soft and like she's about to cry.

Jeff leans in so Megan doesn't have to move her breakfast tray while they kiss.

They do go to the beach later, taking turns putting sunblock on each other and stretching out in the sun with Miley nosing around at everything around them. They have pizza, too, the same place they did a year ago, and walk home holding hands.

They go upstairs to their bedroom together, just like last year, and Jeff gets a bag out of the closet and hands it to Megan.

"How many presents did you get me?"

"This is the last one."

Megan pulls the tissue paper off the top, and looks down into the bag. She makes an interested noise, and then pulls out the dildo and holds it up.

"It, uh, has these things that move, like, against you inside," Jeff says. "I thought you might like it."

Megan grins at her. "Well get your harness. Let's try it out."

Megan does like it, to the point that she's exceedingly vocal in her appreciation as she comes, and she won't let Jeff stop, urges Jeff to keep fucking her until Megan comes again, and then makes her stop and lets Jeff ride her face until she comes so hard she practically falls onto the bed next to Megan.

"You, Jeff Carter," Megan says, eyes closed and lying still next to her, "wore me out."

Jeff picks up Megan's hand and brings it to her lips. "Happy anniversary."

fic: real person slash, fic: slash, never-finished fic, fic: femslash, 31 days of fic, jeff carter/megan, hockey, jeff carter

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