Things I never wrote in fandoms other than hockey (2000 total words, General Audiences to Explicit)

Mar 23, 2014 12:16

I was going to space out the non-hockey things, but since I left them for so late in the month, I decided this will just be the non-hockey weekend. This is a collection of plot bunnies, snippets, and unfinished WIPs.


Spoilers for the entire series. Takes place after the last episode.

Christina goes home with Brian, but just to sleep and be close. She leaves in the morning, and promises to be back for dinner.

When she comes back, she's called her mom, retrieved a few changes of clothes, and broken up with Dr. Lucas.

On Monday, she and Brian come in to work together. He's happy and she's absolutely glowing.

Jessica asks her about it, and Christina is absolutely serenely happy when she tells her that of course they're together and of course they're going to get married. Brian comes to get his own cup of coffee and says, yes, absolutely, and how about Friday? She says yes, because being together is more important than a big wedding.

(Sadly, no one but me will ever care about this story that's been in my head for five years.)


Rizzoli & Isles

Snippets of dialogue from a story I never wrote about Jane's mom wanting her to marry Maura:


"She's been so good to you, and it's legal in this state. I don't know why you don't just marry her."

"But I want grandchildren. If you marry Maura, you can adopt."

"Ma! Stop it, all right. Maybe I'm not ready to have kids."

"I'm not going to marry you because my mother thinks I should."

"In most cultures throughout history, parents arranged marriages for their children based on alliance building or social or economic advantage."

lakeeffectgirl: "Maura, it's not 1810."

"Well, I know that, but even today many cultures throughout the world practice arranged marriages. It's seen as a way to keep emotion from clouding your judgment."


Bandom/Suits crossover

"Oh, and Pete," Harvey says, halfway out the door, "don't sleep with this one. I'd like to keep him."

Pete laughs like a horse, and tones it down to a grin once Harvey is out of earshot. "Nah," he says to Mike, "don't worry about it. I'm only gay above the waist, and you're in love with him, so."

Mike waits a beat too long to say, "I'm not-"

"Hey, it's cool." Pete sits on the table and swings his feet like a kid. "I mean, whatever, dude."



You may remember that I absolutely loathed X-Men: First Class. But I kept thinking about a story where XMFC Raven meets Irene (canonically her partner in the comics):

"You're right." Emma doesn't talk to Raven much, and this comes completely out of the blue.

"Right about what?"

"He's holding you back. You should be learning to use your abilities to your advantage, not to remain as you are for Erik."

Raven has never said anything like that.

"Of course you didn't," Emma says. "You didn't have to."

"Stay out of my head."

"But you think so loudly."

Raven doesn't have to listen to this; she throws the thought as strongly as she can at Emma as she walks away.

"There's a reason he likes you blue," Emma calls after her. "He doesn't want competition for power any more than Shaw did."


"Let's go," Emma says two weeks later. "Extracurricular learning activity."

Raven has just enough doubt about Erik's motives that she accepts and gets into a cab with Emma.

"I want you to be a man," Emma says. "Any man. Erik if you like." There's a smirk hovering about her lips. "We'll see how you do."

Raven shimmers herself into another form while Emma catches the eye of the cab driver in the rear-view mirror and keeps him from remembering anything about it.

The cab deposits them at a bar, a mod sort of place where Emma in her white and Raven in her suit won't stand out. They go to the bar together, order a couple of drinks.

"Talk to a woman," Emma says directly into Raven's head. "I'm going to mingle."

Raven shudders to think what Emma's idea of mingling entails.

[Raven ends up sitting down at the bar next to a woman who turns out to be Irene. Irene says, "Hello, Raven," and then there's a whole Irene is blind but a precog explanation. It all freaks Raven out, and she leaves again with Emma. She goes back later, though, and even though she's wearing a different form, Irene recognizes her again. Then there would be some story, and eventually Raven would go home with Irene and they would have sex that totally rocks Raven's world and wakes her up to what she really wants.]


Unfinished Andy/Matt crossdressing porn

The bra is strapless so it won't show under his dress. Andy doesn't fill it out at all, but it has small, padded cups that give him the faintest illusion of breasts. There are things he could buy that would give him real looking breasts - he's googled it - but Matt hasn't ever asked for that, so it's still just a possibility for the future.

The panties are satin. He's tried lace, but as much as Matt likes the way it looks, they're scratchy in places Andy doesn't want to be scratched. Not like that, anyway. He has some that are cotton too, but they don't go with tonight's look, and the underwear is as much the point as what he's wearing over it. Tucking himself in so his cock doesn't show when the dress pulls against him is easy enough, now.

The dress itself is simple, a dark green sheath with spaghetti straps that covers his chest piece but leaves his sleeves on view.

High heels are a bitch. After a few years of doing this once in a while, Andy knows how to hold his hips so he can walk without falling, is used to the way they change the placement of his chest and ass.

He's checking himself out in the mirror, making sure his hair is staying up, his makeup hasn't come off, and that he's wearing the right glasses - the feminine frames, not his usual ones - when Kyle hollers up the stairs at him.

He slips his wallet into the purse Matt bought him a couple of years ago when he complained that he couldn't fucking carry anything when he was dressed like this.

"Hold your fucking horses," he yells down the stairs. He has to take them more carefully than he usually would, and he knows when he's visible from downstairs by the wolf whistle he gets.

"Damn, Hurley. Even I think you're hot right now."

Andy flips Stu off while Matt hits him in the arm. "That's my girl you're talking about."

No matter how much trouble it is to fucking shave and deal with twisting his hair up and putting on makeup and shit, it's always worth it for the way Matt looks at him.

"I guess we're taking a cab home tonight," Kyle says.

"Unless one of you wants to be the designated driver." Matt doesn't look away from Andy when he says it.

Kyle, Ryan, and Stu all vociferously veto that idea. Andy doesn't pay much attention to them because Matt's still watching him, his gaze as heated as a touch running over Andy's body. Matt takes his arm when he gets to the bottom of the stairs, holds the door to the house, the one to the car.

It's a house party where they know half the people there and most of them will assume this is just some kind of strange FC thing they're not part of. It's not that far from the truth. But it's different when people know him. They've done this when he didn't know anyone, long sleeves to cover his arms and hoping no one looked too close at his hands. People look at them sometimes, but more like they're trying to figure out the tall black dude and the little white chick than noticing Andy's sex.

When people know them, Andy still has to be himself, not that he isn't when it's just him and Matt, but it's different. He has to think harder about how he moves, about carrying himself like a woman.

Matt helps, by treating him the way he would treat a girl he'd taken to a party. He's not overly solicitous, but he gets Andy a bottle of water when they get there and stays by his side most of the time, occasionally resting his hand on the small of Andy's back. Andy's almost sorry he didn't wear a backless dress.

He can also feel Matt's eyes on him.

"You know, we could just fuck in the bathroom," Matt mutters to him at one point, when no one's paying too much attention to him.

"Or you could take me home and take your time."

"Do we have to stay?"

"You don't want to show me off?"

"I want to fuck you more." Matt's hand on Andy's back pushes at him as they leave the party. Ryan, Kyle, and Stu already knew they weren't staying, and no one else will care if they ditch out early.

Matt drives, but Andy can see him sneaking glances at him every few moments, enough that he knows Matt would be staring if he didn't have to watch the road.

When they get home, Matt unlocks the door, holds it for Andy, and closes it carefully behind them. They hold hands, something they never do when Andy isn't dressed like this, and go up the stairs together.

Andy stops in the middle of his room and turns to face Matt so Matt can just look at him. He knows how much Matt likes this part, which would be obvious even if he didn't, from the way Matt's tenting his pants.

When Matt comes to him, he puts his hands on either side of Andy's face. "My girl," he says. "Jesus, you're so fucking hot."

Andy wraps one leg around Matt. He's learned to balance on one high heel for the express purpose of being able to do just that, and it has the advantage of hiking his skirt up enough that when Matt helps him keep it there, his hand lands on bare skin.

"You going to do something about it?"

"Oh, yeah." Matt bends him back a little, putting him off-balance and doing almost all of the work of keeping Andy upright. His cock rubs against Andy's thigh. "You bet I'm going to do something about it."

Matt's "something" starts with his mouth on Andy's neck, then traveling down his chest, to where his breasts would be if he had them.

"I want to fuck you," Matt says into his chest.

"Anytime, anywhere," Andy says. He leans back against Matt's grip, unbalancing himself and letting Matt hold him up.

"Good thing I'm prepared." Matt's strong enough to hold onto him with just one hand while he reaches into his pocket with the other. His hand comes out with lube and a condom.

Andy stretched and slicked himself before he put on the clothes. When they're doing this at home, that's enough, but it doesn't last, and he's glad for the reapplication after they've been out.


Pete/Bebe high school/college AU

At some point, Bebe made this (or possibly a black and white version) her Twitter userimage:

I said a lot of things about that: CAN'T STOP LOOKING. Obviously the AU where she's in high school and he's her college boyfriend. Someone write that.

It's not like she's stupid or anything. She's eighteen, and she'll be graduating in a couple of months, and then no one will care. In the meantime, what's really stupid is the way she can't just go off with Pete whenever she wants. Sure, he looks a little dangerous, but so does she, and neither of them actually are. (Except to other people's hearts.)

On Saturday nights, they go to clubs where they can lose themselves in a crowd of people and the music or they get fries and hold hands.

Pete has a car, and their first time is there, even though he keeps saying it should be somewhere more romantic. Bebe just wants him.

They fight sometimes, screaming at each other on street corners before they storm off in opposite directions. Pete sulks and Bebe goes dancing until they can't stand it anymore and one of them apologizes.

Pete says, "I'll love you forever," and Bebe believes him, says it back, applies only to colleges that will keep her there with him.

(Reality check: age difference means he has to be her grad school boyfriend, unless he took time off before college.)


Pete/Travie pain kink

petewentz: dang @TravieMcCoy lets get him 2 mil followers - you get him 2 and ill let/get trav to tattoo me ( source)

They don't film it this time. This time, it's just Pete and Travie in a room with the buzz of the tattoo needle. After, when Travie drapes Pete over his lap and his cock, careful to keep Pete's leg where he won't put pressure on the new tattoo, Travie whispers in his ear.

"If you wanted me to hurt you and leave marks, all you had to do was ask."

Pete comes with a moan and Travie's name thudding through his mind.


The Killing

Would also read an awkward threesome with Jewel Staite the DA.

fic: real person slash, suits, fic: real person het, fic: fictional person slash, fuck city, bebe rexha, rizzoli & isles, 31 days of fic, pete/travie, pete wentz, bandom, fic by me, the killing, harvey/mike, conviction, fic: het, x-men, pete/bebe, andy hurley, fic: fictional person het, fic: slash, andy/matt, matt mixon

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