Snippet: Mikey the Cater-Waiter/Hooker (Bandom, Mikey, 175 words, Mature)

Mar 23, 2012 19:00

Summary: Everyone - well, everyone who knows about it - thinks that Mikey sells himself to supplement his income because being a cater-waiter doesn't actually pay that much.

Notes: Written as commentfic for inlovewithnight once upon a time.

Story on AO3

Everyone - well, everyone who knows about it - thinks that Mikey sells himself to supplement his income because being a cater-waiter doesn't actually pay that much. They're wrong.

Mikey likes his clients, loves what he gets from them in terms of power and sex and company. But he's very selective, takes on his clients for their personalities and their connections, not their money.

He could probably get by on that if it weren't for the fact that he likes to party and loves to go to concerts with ticket prices way out of his price range.

When Mikey mentions to Gabe, because he knows Gabe will take it at face value and won't see it as angling for a tip, that he doesn't have the cash for the tickets he wants and he doesn't want to put them on his credit card, Gabe smiles and hooks him up with a friend who runs a catering business.

It works out. The hours don't interfere with his real job, and it's a lot easier to explain to people.

fic: real person slash, mikey way, fic: slash, my chemical romance, gabe saporta, 31 days of fic, fic by me, bandom

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