A Post of Small, Update-like Comments

Jan 30, 2011 09:11

LifeWork became ridiculously busy the day after MLK day, and looks to be that way for the foreseeable future. I hadn't realized how much I was depending on work downtime to stay caught up on my internet life. In the meantime, I have been reading very compelling books and foolishly staying up late to do so, with the end result that I'm very tired ( Read more... )

fans and fandom, friends, black cards, empires, goings on in my head, plot bunnies, panic at the disco, tales of real life, work, books: fiction, books, tv, bebe rexha, writing, bandom

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mayqueen517 January 31 2011, 20:23:58 UTC
I signed up for BBB. And am going to sign up for SLB. THIS MAKES ME FEEL REALLY CRAZY.

I've been trying to work out an actual story about girl!Sean in my head. It's not going well. Girl!Sean is difficult to conceptualize, much less write.

What about it do you find difficult? I have an easier time conceptualizing Girl!Tom, for some reason. But I've got such a clear image in my head of her, I think that's why it's so easy. I don't have many thoughts about Girl!Sean actually.

Also, all the Empires kink fic forever. (I have this whole theory about Tomrad really being into being claimed and marked and belonging that I can never quite get written.)


rsadelle February 1 2011, 20:53:09 UTC
EGADS. That's a lot of banging. (Any and all puns intended.)

I don't know! I just can't see Sean as a girl. One of my friends said it's because he would be the weirdest girl ever, and maybe that's it. I, too, find girl!Tom totally easy to conceptualize/write.

Mmmm, kink. Everything I've been writing in my head recently has Sean subbing, except the werewolf story, which is a whole other animal of kink. (This is probably at least in part because what one of my friends said she liked about two of my early Empires snippets was that they were about people taking care of Sean.)


mayqueen517 February 1 2011, 23:49:07 UTC
I keep telling myself, "Christina, you wrote 18K for BGBB last year...YOU CAN DO 20K WITH TWO FICS. COME ON." (ahahaa, now I've got bang stuck in my head. \o ( ... )


rsadelle February 4 2011, 04:31:31 UTC
You can totally do it!

It's less the physical than the personality. (Physically, I don't think Sean would be that angular. He's a little soft for that.) I just can't get a handle on Sean as a girl. I think he comes across as very masculine in a really interesting way - like, I don't get a manly man vibe from him, but I'm just having a hard time seeing him as a girl.

Oh, the werewolf thing is this whole other *hands* thing that is complicated by being het, so he's all possessive about girl!Tom, but I'm also trying to make him feminist-minded so he thinks she should have her own life too.

Yessss. Empires taking care of each other is the best thing.


mayqueen517 February 4 2011, 04:45:10 UTC
Hm...when I wrote girl!Sean and girl!Tom, I really just wrote it as them, but they happened to be girls. The only thing I can think of that I wrote differently than if it was them as guys was that Sean crowded closer to Tom than I would really have boy!Sean. I think that maybe girl!Sean has less regard for personal space, maybe, but only if you're close to her. And I don't think that there would be TOO many differences between girl or boy Sean, actually.

And ahahaha, oh man, yes. Does Tom ever have to talk to Sean about the issues he sometimes has with being possessive? Is it a thing that the closer they get to the moon, Sean gets MORE possessive?


rsadelle February 5 2011, 03:44:46 UTC
I think that lack of difference is part of what makes it hard! Men and women are treated so differently in our society that surely she has to be different from boy!Sean in some ways, but it's hard to figure out what those ways are.

Ha! Sometimes she tells him to knock it off, but she's actually calmer about the whole thing than he is. She accepts that he's a wolf; he's still working out the tension between the wolf that knows she's his and the human that wants her to have autonomy over her own life.


mayqueen517 February 5 2011, 18:39:18 UTC
And too, especially within a scene....no matter how progressive it is, there's going to be a difference in treatment. However, like you said, it is hard to pin down what those ways are.

And man...I really want to read a million words of this, seriously. In what ways does Sean try to give her space but also balance the whole, RAWR POSSESSIVE thing?


rsadelle February 6 2011, 16:58:04 UTC
Someday (hopefully someday soon), I will finish the sex scene and then the story and you can see how it all works out.


mayqueen517 February 6 2011, 17:51:49 UTC


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