Day Three - Fic: Team Sirius: Tabula Rasa

Oct 03, 2011 09:10

Team: Sirius
Title: Tabula Rasa
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death (highlight to read who) * Peter.*
Word Count: ~8500
Summary: Sirius Black has always been a bit of a cocky bastard. It's just in his nature. However, his overconfidence and not thinking before he acts gets him into trouble when he finds himself stranded alone on an unknown planet.
Notes: In case you missed it, this is a pretty extreme AU: science-fiction meets the Marauders. Turns out that despite my early confidence in the idea, it turned out to be a really difficult thing to follow through with so I'd like to say thanks to K for her blackmail trickery gentle prodding to get me to actually follow through with the idea, to Team Sirius for their support and to J and J, one for original idea bouncing and the other for a lot of support when I actually got writing. Last but not least thank you to S for the beta. The title comes from a variety of things that may or may not be apparent to people, but in my mind it fit rather well.
Prompt: 34 - Don't rely on others to show you the way, carry your own map ~ David Baird

Tabula Rasa

Poll RS Games 2011

team sirius, rs_games 2011, fic

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