page 002 - Palom has Questions [Video]

Jun 03, 2010 22:17

[ many books does he have there? Why does he have five of them open at once? He's not reading all of them at once, is he?

Yes. Yes he is. He goes through them, flicking through pages and comparing passages in each to those in others before making notes on the differences and similarities and the implications of this and has he even slept since anyone last saw him? (This answer is no. Not for more than an hour or so at a time.)

The mognet book is open to the side, capturing this. He openned it meaning to send a message and then caught an interesting-looking paragraph in the corner of his eye and his attention was lost. When he turns back to it, he gives it a brief confused look before remembering why he openned it in the first place.]

...oh. That.

I require help with my research.

How many worlds do we have representatives from? If more than one person comes from the same world, do they come from the same point in time? And what nature does magic have in those worlds?

...and how many people here are dead?

In return for help, I'll try to use any discoveries to answer questions. I can't guarantee answers at this point, though.
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