[ audio ] The Radio Show That Cannot Be Named, Episode Three!

May 18, 2010 00:05

Good evening, Never Was! How's everyone doing? Did you all enjoy the concert?

We sure did! Anyway, I'm sure you're all excited to know who's moving on, right?!

Of course you are! But first, new rules! One: no manhandling the contestants. Or the prizes. Two: No bleeding on anyone.... except on accident, I guess. I think that's everything...

Just... try and be polite, please? Honestly, you're starting to make me wonder if you're worse than Xigbar.

Right. So, everyone play nice, or Dem Dem will pour half the contents of the ocean on you, and that's before I get mad. Now, where were we...

Um... Oh! The people who are moving on! Everyone did a great job, but unfortunately, four people had to go home. Alma, Cloud, Kadaj, and Kuja, you guys did a fantastic job, but you won't be going on. Maybe if you hurry, you can get a date in before the end of the third round?

That means we have three guys left - Genesis, Jecht and Kefka - as well as three girls - Cissnei, Rikku and Shelke. Good job everyone, you're almost done! These six lucky contestants will be competing in the third round, which will be even more exciting than the first two!

The third round is going to see how much courage and how much skill you have! Most of us come from some sort of combat background, so guess what: that's what you're doing! Not against each other, though; the world's got plenty of creatures running around, and Vanille and I are happy to supply you with some!

And since all the storybooks in the library can't be wrong - yes, I've been reading! - you're going to be facing.... dragons!

Everyone loves a good dragon fight, right? Sure you do! Anyway, the next round will be in four days; hopefully you haven't forgotten how to fight while you've been working with your romantic side.

We'll be heading out of town for this one, guys, so no worries. Everything is perfectly safe!! We hope, anyway... And even though we'll be super busy hunting down dragons for you, we're still going to be bringing you a special treat before the last round!

Thaaat's right! Seeing as the winners will be... uh, having a good time with our guest judges, we figured we should get to know them better! So between now and round three, we're going to be doing interviews!

Yes! And since we're sure there are things you all wanted to know, too, you'll be able to dial into the channel and ask questions! Actually, I keep meaning to ask Sephiroth where he gets his shampoo.....

His hair is pretty nice. Again, let's try and be polite! Though that doesn't mean you can't, you know, try and get dirty little secrets out of them or anything.

So look forward to it! First up tomorrow, an interview with Rosso the Crimson, who caused quite a stir in round two! She's very popular, so I'm sure you'll all be tuning in, right?

Of course you will! We're looking forward to it, and you should too! Until then, Never Was, this is Demyx -- and Vanille! -- signing off!

!vanille, !saix, !demyx, *rstcbn, !kuja, !palom, !rikku, !alma, !eiko, !kadaj

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