This post is put together from rules of the past years of the challenge. If there's anything you'd like to change, question or discuss - feel free to comment! I consider it an open list!
1. All fandoms are welcome as long as there are real people available. This is a Real Person Fiction big bang, it's for real people only. This can be from music, sports, television, movies or any other form of entertainment - celebrities only. Please do not sign up to write a story based on your friends or real people from the internet.
2. AU and Crossovers are welcome, and encouraged! If you are going to crossover into a fictional world, you may include the characters from that world if you need to, however, the main characters/pairings MUST be real people. If you have any questions about this, just comment!
3. Stories must be at least 10,000 words in length. Any rating and genre are welcome, including gen, het and slash.
4. Stories should be new for the challenge. You may finish a WIP as long as at least 10,000 new words have been added. You may write a sequel or prequel to an already finished story (Like the one from a previous year or another challenge!).
5. By the rough draft deadline the stories must be at least 5,000 words and have rough idea of the beginning, middle and end so that artists are guaranteed a story to work with. You can of course add to that after the first draft deadline. As stated in rule
#3, stories must be completed with at least 10,000 words by the final due date.
6. Artists may create art at their own discretion. If the artist chooses to get author feedback, that's fine. But they may create whatever they like. However, we do ask that you please contact your author within a week of receiving their information. While it is up to you what you create, communication in this challenge is the key. It is important that authors know that you are on top of things. And vice/versa of course, authors make sure you email your artist as well!