
Mar 08, 2009 13:28

HELLO DARLINGS! I saw people on rp_anon_meme request a new post, and here it is! Sorry I'm kind of late. :x

/copies rules from last time lulz

  1. You may comment anonymously or signed in.

  2. When commenting, place the character's name and series in the subject.

  3. Try not to duplicate names. Multiple people could be looking into the same character ( Read more... )

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GENERAL: apping anonymous March 8 2009, 17:29:58 UTC
What kind of things to look at closely? When does "a good chunk of writing" become tl;dr? Just anything in general you can think of.


Re: GENERAL: apping anonymous March 8 2009, 17:55:57 UTC
As someone who reviews apps, I am usually looking for about three things

• Spelling/grammar
• Characterization
• Detail in personality as opposed to background

For background it's good to hit the points in canon that pertain to your character only, if possible(especially for minor characters). For a major character brief mentions with expansions on really important plot is the way to go. Backgrounds(even for major characters) shouldn't really be more than a page or so, imo. Anything a little over that is fine but I believe that a background should serve as a concise summary, that's all. Every little detail isn't needed, and I'm usually not looking for every major detail.

Personality and samples should be the strongest sections. idk if other mods feel the same way, but personality and samples are what I enjoy reading so I don't mind a bunch of writing there, especially personality. Some games like you to stay within their word limits for samples though ( ... )


Re: GENERAL: apping anonymous March 8 2009, 17:57:02 UTC
*usually not looking for every LITTLE detail fff typo ftl


Re: GENERAL: apping anonymous March 8 2009, 18:12:57 UTC
I review apps as well, and I like to see the personality come out in everything. It's why our RP doesn't require a personality section on the application - we'd rather you show us your character's personality than tell us. I would rather read a long history that reveals a lot about the character. What I don't want is a total canon review though, just what pertains to your character.

This is just me though, and I know some mods in other places disagree. :3

Another just me thing, but I really like apps that make me genuinely interested in trying a series for myself.


Re: GENERAL: apping anonymous March 8 2009, 19:14:11 UTC
Original anon here.

See, I -hate- it when people stuff their apps full of spoilers for a series in their background. I've gotten an app where someone spoiled an entire game for me and the other mods for no reason.

Usually I only get interested in a series after I see how the player writes their character ingame, but that's just me. XP


Re: GENERAL: apping anonymous March 8 2009, 19:16:53 UTC
okay well, like, what if the spoilers are IMPORTANT to the character's backstory?

such as someone finding out so and so is actually their father, or that the character is actually a llama turned in to a human or something.


Re: GENERAL: apping anonymous March 8 2009, 19:31:33 UTC
I don't mind spoilers if they're necessary. I do appreciate a warning if it's a really recent series, but even that's not required. I know I'm reviewing with the knowledge that I'll be getting spoiled.

Spoiling an entire game for a minor character though? No way.


Re: GENERAL: apping flintlock March 9 2009, 01:38:59 UTC
This is what I agree with. Having both written and reviewed apps for the longest time (both fandom and otherwise), I've discovered that I actually despise the personality section. It is the most forced part of the application, and I can see it when others write it also. A paragraph or two choked with people SAYING their character is this way or that. Dictating a wish list of traits is one thing, but it isn't indicative of the player's ability to display that list in play ( ... )


Re: GENERAL: apping anonymous March 9 2009, 08:55:01 UTC
I can't think of any sane mod that would reject someone on the grounds that the app was too long. Granted, there is a difference between quantity and quality. But most people who can ramble about a character for four solid pages can generally develop something of decent quality. The mods might get a little exasperated at having to read so much, but it'll happen now and then unless they set maximums. As a mod, I love seeing lots of detail. The more detail I see in a background, the more it looks like the player at least read/watched/played the canon. And the more detail I see in a personality, the more it's apparent the player has a grasp on the character ( ... )


Re: GENERAL: apping ytilaer March 9 2009, 18:25:55 UTC
The samples, seriously. I can even ignore an otherwise blatantly crappy app if the sample is fantastic and shows personality and a clear voice. And, like you said, on the flipside, I don't care how thorough the app is if the sample is flat. That's the important part, if you can write them, not describe them.


Re: GENERAL: apping anonymous March 10 2009, 08:10:16 UTC
One important thing to keep in mind when writing history is that you are writing your CHARACTER'S history, not the whole entire plot of the series.

ಠ_ಠ Tl;DR is when you start to describe every little detail of the series your character is coming from.


Re: GENERAL: apping anonymous March 10 2009, 09:42:44 UTC
I'm echoing the people that commented earlier; with backgrounds write your character's background, not a nice and dandy summary of the canon. The latter could work if it's a main character, but when you're apping a side character that appears much later in the canon, the earlier part isn't really relevant anyway. Just ask yourself which events affected your character and which haven't, then include only those that have.

As for the personality section, I always reference to 'proof' within the original canon. Scenes, habits, that kinda stuff.

Quality over quantity. You can better be short and to the point than writing an app with 324554 pages that kinda sucks. Not that long apps are bad (sometimes you can't avoid it, especially if it's a long series and it's a main character or a villian).


Re: GENERAL: apping anonymous April 6 2009, 08:06:31 UTC
General tip from someone who mods apps...




Some games require very specific information. Look into the game and read things like the FAQs and info before you write your app. Some games even leave a keyword hidden in information like that that you have to include with your app to show that you read it. I can't even say how many apps I see on a regular basis from people who don't bother to read or understand what is being asked for.

Also, "suggested" means, 99.9% of the time, do that. As in, "it is suggested that your third person sample be XYZ scenario" no seriously. Do that. Sure, it's easier to copypasta your fanfic but there's usually a reason they suggest it.


anonymous May 18 2009, 00:11:54 UTC
Eh this is really late but I still want to give my two cents.

I hate dry prose. Hate it, hate it, hate it. It's boring to write, boring to read, no one wins. I hate apps that are just grocery lists of personality traits and histories--and while a lot of people might hate these two sections the most, that's why you've gotta change things around for yourself.

When I write for a character, I try to emotionally supercharge the entire app. From start to finish (except for like... the "what is your name" fields and all that obvi) I let the character's voice bleed into it. It's obviously all in third person, but I want it to sound introspective all the way through--I try to make apps sound like the character is describing him/herself--not me. I try to make it sound like the character is telling the reader his/her life story, or what he/she is like--not me. It's better for showing voice, and makes the whole process a lot more fun, too. But--obviously, don't go overboard. Then you just sound like a dip.


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