rp_advice_meme is a bit late with the monthly posting and apologizes for that.
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Comments 1007
Okay. Movie!Chekov does NOT have much backstory. As in almost none. Help. Much help.
Also, what's that russian phrase he says a few times? What does it mean? And moar helpful russian would be good? How to make the funitek aksent non annoying since it's pretty damn integral to him?
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So basically I need to start re-watching ToS episodes. Whee! Could be fun at least.
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Exactly how anxious to make her is nice. Tips on how to get her out of the house would be especially awesome.
Obvious anon is so obvious it hurts.
I want to take her from the most recent update from when I submit my app. Since two pages a week are coming out now, this should be a bit easier. Oh my god Merrick is so terrifying. How long should I wait around on this - I don't want to take her while she's, you know, puking in Lois' house. But she's not going to be any kind of steady no matter what - she's been attacked by a witch who might not exist, injured her only friend (who might not be talking to her anymore anyway), and now she's being menaced by the scariest SSI agent oh my god that man will be in my nightmares.
So being dragged into another world right this second might not be the best idea.
How many updates should I wait for things to calm down? Or should I just take her from a few updates back? Is it worth it either way?
What makes you think that I'll have either a Tess or a Tank.
Extra thoughts regarding how she should be played in ye olde standard panfandom game where she's surrounded by people a lot would be particularly awesome, though it's a stretch.
Good luck with her!
God, god. I don't even know if I could give any useful advice on O-ren just outta the blue, but I had to peek in here to spread some Kill Bill love. I'm glad to know that folks are still playing from those films.
I'd be happy to discuss anything you might like to discuss about her as a character. Everyone in Kill Bill seems to have a surface and then a deep, deep underside. O-ren is one of the few characters who gets anything even resembling a firmly-established past, and that's some heavy psychological shit. So... Ah! Any advice I could give would probably surface in discussion, but I understand that's really drawn out.
I'm also not sure what kind of environment you're playing her in, so... In most 'you're stuck somewhere' type situations, I guess I'd advise that you try and keep O-ren a proactive figurehead in high-class dirty deeds?
Yeeeah. Best I can come up with. I'm sure that might be interesting to play around with, at any rate.
... I'm long-winded. Sorry.
plus any other tips and tricks you all might have for playing mad scientists
Okay, so, the food obsessions tend to be a bit random, but he doesn't have to bring them up overmuch.
I've never really played a character that's his specific brand of crazy, though, so I hope this makes at least a vague bit of sense and is maybe hopeful. :O
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