First Blog...I suppose?

Aug 06, 2009 16:27

Hmm...I've never done anything like this before but might as well!! XD I guess I'll talk about myself a little; Um...first off I am a MEGA OTAKU!! I eat , breathe, and dream about anime, manga and games!! My dream is either to open a maid cafe/bakery here in america XD or have my story turned into a manga but *sniff* unfortunatly I can't draw that well, BUT as they say practice makes perfect!! I'm also a bit of an optimist. I've also been told I'm too nice(even by my parents is that bad?) I tend to aplogize alot as well heh...sorry. And I love to bake!! But enough of the real life stuff back to geeky anime discussion. I love Asch from Tales of the Abyss!! Hauu~ he's so chivalrous, badass, cool, and hot!! I hope to find a real guy like that someday. If I blog again it will probably be something sorter than this and probably something about anime. Till then!!
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