I. Want. A. DAKIMAKURA!! Not one of those ones with a girl on it , one with a guy of course.XD Ah, but I better explain what a dakimakura is first.^_^; A dakimakura is a body pillow with a picture of any anime character on it like these ones:
http://somoe.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/0l-468x688.jpghttp://farm4.static.flickr.com/3023/2943588442_dff6ea702b_o.jpg//// I-I know go ahead and call me a perv or whatever you want . Personally I want a Asch,Luke, Guy,Jade, Sebastian,Kanda,Soubi, and Riku one. I have the money but just finding the right image for a custom one is the problem. I wanna cuddle with Asch...XD