Title: It's Kind of Like That
royalty25Rating: PG
Fandom: Charmed
Pairing: Gen
Prompt: "Dreams are important...never underestimate them."
Word Count: 341
Summary: A typical breakfast at Halliwell Manor.
A/N: Written for the most recent prompt over at
fandom_fridays. Inspired by the Charmed episode "Happily Ever After" in Season 5.
Breakfast was on the table. Piper, Leo and the kids had already started to enjoy some scrambled eggs when Paige and Phoebe joined them.
"Good morning," Leo greeted them.
"Morning," Paige replied happily as she sat besides Piper and grabbed some toast.
"Ugh! I wish," was Phoebe's reply and she sat down besides Leo. She poured herself a glass of orange juice and started to sip on it slowly.
"What's wrong?" Piper and Leo asked in union.
"You two have been spending too much time together," Paige informed them in between bites.
"It's nothing," Phoebe threw in before Piper could retort to Paige's comment.
"Did you sleep well last night?"
"I can tell." Piper then proceeded to point to Phoebe's clothing. She was still in her pajamas when she should have been dressed for work because she had in important meeting to go to in two hours. She was usually better prepared for such occasions.
"I had a nightmare last night. About Cole."
"Yeah, but you've had that nightmare before."
"Dreams are important! Never underestimate them," Paige told Piper causing her to sigh.
"Was it any different than the other times you had it?"
Paige smiled. She was glad her comment had encouraged Piper to be more supportive of Phoebe.
"He took over the Underworld and then the Manor. He had new powers at his disposal and he used them to turn us all evil."
"That's different."
"Yeah, I have a bad feeling about today."
Suddenly three Scabbar demons faded into the dining room and immediately started shooting acid in Paige's direction. Wyatt orbed his brother and father upstairs while the sisters ducked out of the way of the acid. Piper glared in Paige's direction.
"Is there something you forgot to tell us, Paige?"
"I'm sorry. I should have told you that I've been doing a bit of research. Can you believe that demons hold meetings regularly to discuss their issues?"
"You make it sound like therapy."
"It's kind of like that. Yeah," she replied with a nod.