I'm sorry, the Empress you've dialed is temporarily incapacitated. Please hang up and try your call again later.
This fic just broke me. I don't know what to say without this turning into a giant overshare, but YES! This is just what it's like sometimes. Sex can (and frequently should) be - all wonderous and scary and sacred and timeless and reverent.
Go read. I have to go cry some more. Yes, I'm serious. I just - I'd forgotten how deeply I felt that it should be like this and now there's this whole jumble-tumble of memories of when it was...Just go read.
three o'clock dandelion timeBy
oxoniensis[Supernatural, Sam/OFC, adult, 1,634 words, pre-series.]
(side note: there should be something more than fic recs posted here soon. My Muse is pulling a Lady Lazarus - thank goodness.)