Just some lovely Fic Recs

Mar 17, 2008 23:35

Do any of you actually read these? I'm paranoid sometimes and go look if anyone I recognize commented after me…because comments are love and all…and I'd hate any of my flist to be bad mannered enough to read and not say something…so I assume no one reads these…and yeah. I'll shut up now.

Ves' #1 OMG, Drop Everything and Go Read this Rec:

Third Wheel Keeps It Upright (1/3) - R - Supernatural/My So Called Life
SUMMARY (and I quote): There's this guy, right? And he's got this car. You HAVE to see them. Like... together, or whatever.

(YES! My SO CALLED LIFE! Rayanne/Dean. Seriously - you don't have to know diddly about SPN to adore how perfect the Angela voice is in this. Also, I miss My So Called Life. It was one of those shows that was on at just the right time in my life…Also - Jordan Catalano. Seriously.)

* mynuet wrote a darling Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day ficlet over HERE.

(It's sweet and totally spot on for these characters plus it makes imaginary Ciaran Hinds run around in my brain which is always fabulous. Also - you should all go see this movie immediately.)

* Lovely, Dark, and Deep - Pg-13 - Faith/Giles by sahiya

(The title perfectly sums up this fic. Wonderful glimpse at these two and a take I've never quite seen before. This fic made me look at this pairing in a new way and those of you that know me know that's saying something.)

* Gifts from Charing Cross Road Part 1 and Part 2 - Fantastic Gen Faith and Giles fic by tessarin

(tessarin gets extra points for not telling me to get bent when I got all frothy about offering to beta and then wibbling that I was being a jerk. Also - if you love this one (which you will), it's nominated over at this round of Bodice Ripper Awards so maybe you should vote once voting opens. And yeah, some of my stuff might be nom'ed over there too…You know, while you're there.)

And now a few from picfor1000. I am trying to be a better ficcer - not just in my writing but in balancing that with some community participation when I can. Writing is one thing but I think it's important to read and review. And WOW am I glad I did. Some real gems, in some really unusual fandoms, here.

Ves' #1 Must Read:
* Interpreted Languages by thedeadparrot- PG - Heroes/Stargate Atlantis (Micah-centric)

(If you know both fandoms, just think about that one for a minute. Now wonder why no one had thought of this yet and, if you write, spend a moment berating yourself that YOU didn't realize how AWESOME sending Micah to Atlantis would be. Now go read. *shoos*)

* Clear View - Gen Nero Wolfe fic

(If you know Nero Wolfe and read fic, you've already clicked the link since finding any Nero Wolfe fic, let alone GREAT fic, is like finding a diamond in your morning cornflakes.)

* Paved with Good Intentions - Constantine (the movie)/Supernatural

(Spoilers through 3x11 - Mystery Spot. Which yeah - should give you a damned good idea where this one is going. I'm now extremely miffed we will never get this on-show because it would be f'in awesome.)

* Family Share Plan - PG-13 - Supernatural/X-men

(Yeah, so Rogue's absorby power. What if the little bit of folks started talking to each other? Seriously - just go read.)

* How to Succeed At Exhibitionism without Really Trying - R - Torchwood - Jack/Ianto

(Yes, she reads slash. This one had me at the title - but it didn't disappoint from there. Because, really, who didn't know that Jack's totally kind of evil?)

* Road Work - PG - Sam and Dean

(Note that "and". Yeah, I'm looking at you SPN-fandom. Enough with the incest already. Fics like this, on the other hand, remind me why I bother to click random links. Funny and pitch perfect voices for the boyos.)

reccomendations - fanfic

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