Three for Open On Sunday #251

Jan 17, 2008 00:18

All Faith/Giles because that's just the mood I was in tonight. Let's not talk about why it ended in porn...

open_on_sunday Prompt: 251: Round
Author: Vesica
Word Count: 100
Characters: Faith/Giles
Set: Post Faith's Arc in BtVS Season 8
Disclaimer: Just a bit of mucking about in other people’s sandboxes.
WARNING: Possible spoilers for details of Faith' "No Future For You" arc of Season 8 comics.

Title: A Vague Come On Is Nobody's Friend
Rating: PG-13

Giles frowned as a glass of scotch thumped down atop his open book. "Hey Mr. Tweed - let's try researching this thing called 'fun'. Drink up."

He did and nearly choked. Scotch this good wasn't in their budget. "You shouldn't have."

"I didn't." She tipped back her shot and pointed towards a glowering young man over at the billiards table. "He said loser bought the next round. Ta-da - free next round."

"I don't think this is what he meant."

"Whatever." Faith slid into his lap and brushed whiskey-wet lips across his. "Not my fault these British blokes are all so vague…"


Title: Breathtaking
Rating: PG-13

Giles was sure San Salvatore meant 'contains a ridiculous number of stairs' in Italian. If it didn't, it should.

Faith was bounding up yet another set, not even winded. "You okay or do I need to come down there and carry you?"

Giles didn't rise to the bait. "Just enjoying the view."

Faith paused - sure she'd misheard.

He didn't bother to hide his contemplation of her pert, round posterior and she spluttered most amusingly, finally mumbling a weak "Fair enough".

Nice to see her thrown off-step.

Well, sort of off-step, he thought, noting the extra waggle in her step.


Title: Round Table
Rating: NC-17
Author's Note: Because writing porn in 100 words and only using dialogue is fun…and I'm crazy, quite obviously.

"That was… "

"Not quite what I'd meant, Faith."

"I was just gonna say 'wow'. Besides, we have a plan."

"We do?"

"Yeah, I said I should just lop off its head - works with everything else - "

"It generally does…"

"And you said 'Good Lord, Yes'…though I was mumbling, full mouth and all, so you might not have been answering so much as…"

"Yes, well…when I suggested a round-table discussion, I was thinking of the local expert in banshees…"

"Giles - you sly dog, but no thanks - that dude was ancient!"


"…and I'd say this table is kinda round…"


Nice to get back on the inappropriate bandwagon there...Now for oxoniensis's Porn Battle V - The Fifth Dimension.

x-posted - open_on_sunday, pairings - faith/giles, fandom - buffyverse, characters - faith (btvs), characters - giles (btvs)

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