An Earth Delicacy - A BtVS/SGA Drabble - Faith & Teyla - G

Oct 29, 2006 09:45

Title: An Earth Delicacy
Author: Vesica
Rating: FR-7/G
Fandom/Characters: BtVS/SGA
Fic-For-All Pairing:Faith & Teyla (Stargate Atlantis)
tthdrabbles Challenge: #44: Marshmallow
Disclaimer: Just a bit of mucking about in other people’s sandboxes.
Word count: 200
Summary: Because some Earth food really shouldn’t go to other galaxies. *evil grin*

Team Atlantis had been surveying the new planet for hours. Everyone was starting to get a little testy when Sheppard decided it was time to stop for lunch.

“About time,” Faith grumbled. She fished around in her pack for the foil-wrapped packages. “Hey, Teyla. I brought something for us.”

Teyla looked surprised. “You prepared a meal for us?”

“Don’t die of shock- I didn’t cook. You’ve arranged for so many Athosian meals for me, I just thought you might want to try an Earth favorite of mine.” Faith opened the foil and handed Teyla a sandwich.

Faith tore a bite off her sandwich, watching Teyla cautiously sniffed hers. “Teyla, even I can’t screw up sandwiches. Really.”

Looking a little embarrassed, Teyla took a bite. Her smile turned to a frown as the bite immediately stuck to the roof of her mouth.

“Ish very… thweet.”

Faith laughed and handed her a thermos filled with cold milk. “Yeah, peanut butter and marshmallow fluff might be an acquired taste.”

Teyla gulped enough milk to wash the bite down. She thought about it a moment, “I think I like them.”

“Just wait ‘til the sugar high kicks in!”

“Sugar high?” Teyla frowned.

Faith just cackled.


fandom - stargate atlantis, fandom - buffyverse, characters - faith (btvs), x-posted - tthdrabbles, x-posted - twisting the hellmouth

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