Going to bed dreaming of a dream

Mar 29, 2010 00:15

Friends - been a long time posting and hope you forgive me my lack of trespasses. I have been finding myself reflecting about summer of 09 with whimsy in my brow. It will pretty much be my 'summer of love' for sometime but not why you might think. Something happened and felt like connections and intimacies were garnered with such little effort thought I found THE answer. Alas was just a moment like so many in my past. I am melancholy at the moment but not morose. I know it happened and my soul was filled to overflowing - both with sadness and joy. Now not stiff drink nor gentle caress which such sweetness lay me down in a field of daises will return i do fear. I DO NOT give up hope but it is in our stars it would appear. Many current situations astound me in which fell for I did over the fall and harsh sweltering winter which by god's grace shall pass very soon. My soul is parched and weary but still hopeful. My body showing stretch marks like so many side glances from an unseen but formidable foe wielding Excalibur against me.

Just stuck in the mundance of life be it for or against i truly am not sure. Yet i dream and wait for the call to come play again. May this time it's lessons more true to me become.

with Sweet Love,
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