old routine, same old headache!!

Dec 01, 2007 21:25

right thats it, first week back at work done and dusted and so glad!!! am shattered!!! but then again thats what i get for going away and coming back in the middle of the christmas rush!!!

but seriously while im happy to be home to see everyone again and talk to those who i so needed to talk to about alot of stuff (u know who u are!!), am really missing everyone back in oz!!! had a couple of emails from some of them, which was nice....but at the same time, there is one person i need to talk to but not via email or text and its doing my head in not being able to do that!!! why did things have to get so complicated over there????? i seriously dont know what to do about it????? its not helping my jetlag either, as cant sleep, as mind is on this and not trying to get itself back into routine!!!

on the brightside i get to see my boys tomorrow!!! YAY!!!!! i have been counting the days for this game, since i went on holiday!!! oh yea forgot to mention the other day, Harper came into my work! i love it when they come in!!!! next time harps, bring doyle and oster with u too!!!!

right must go and hunt out my doyle shirt for tomorrow and regular reviews of the game will be back too!!!

football, doyle, harper, oz, holiday, oster

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