Further into Farscape

Apr 26, 2008 00:36

Finished 3.06 "Eat Me" tonight. That episode was just all right until Crichton playing rock, paper, scissors with himself at the end. Cracked me up. And it got funnier the longer it went on, which reminds me of the hilarity of John teaching D'Argo rock, paper scissors a while back and then them actually using it as a method to decide who got to go do something in a later episode. Fun. And speaking of Crichton playing RPS with himself, what the heck's going to happen with 2 Crichtons? Inquiring minds want to know, but I won't find out until tomorrow, so don't spoil it for me.

I love the show now and everyone was right. You really do get sucked in late in season 2. Not every episode is great, but there's always something to like, something that makes me laugh and I'm way into these characters. I mean who would have ever thought Scorpy would become someone to look forward to seeing?! When he first showed up, I thought ew, what an icky bad guy and I really hope he's not going to be around too long. But he became such a fleshed-out character - creepy, interesting, fun. It's amazing what they did with him. I don't quite understand why he's still in John's brain, though. I thought he killed off the residual Scorpy? Yet even though he's not in control anymore, Scorpy is still there. Whatever, he's fun. Except for the real Scorpius eating that chunk of John's brain. Ewwwwww.

And speaking of Scorpius and humor... "Won't Get Fooled Again" is the funnest episode I've seen. I laughed so much during that episode. Even better than "Crackers Don't Matter". Scorpy on the drums? Crais in high heels spouting miranda rights nonsense? The photos on the shelf in Rygel's office? Aeryn in those gigantic rollers? OMG.

Rygel has continued to amuse me to no end and he and Chiana have continued to have great scenes together. What a pair, those two. It was quite unexpected when Rygel told Zaahn how much her council had meant to him in "Wait for the Wheel". Seriously, that got to me. Zaahn's been my least favorite for a while now, but her leaving in was really powerful. That was a great episode. I knew Zaahn left the show sometime in season 3 just from seeing how many episodes she's listed for at IMDB, but I didn't expect it to be quite this soon. If she really is gone now, it was a good way to go out.

"My side, your side, my side, your side" Stark. I like this guy even though he freaks me out. He's so unpredictable with his mood swings. And I felt so sad for him when Zhaan died. I hope that new chick with the shedding red hair doesn't accidentally melt his mask off when she screams. Not liking her yet, but it's fun that everyone just kind of shoves her around and tells her to shut up.

What else, what else... Chiana and D'Argo. Never saw that coming - them getting together. And I loved them as a couple. I was so steamed when she slept with Jothi. I'm still hoping for a Chiana and D'Argo comeback. The whole Jothi thing was a bit anti-climactic. They went through all that trouble, all that hell... stealing the gold that's really spider thingies, Crichton giving himself up, and the rescue that kills Aeryn, but really ends up causing Zhaan's demise. And all that for Jothi to end up leaving like 3 microts later. Augh.

I think the only thing that got to me as much as Zhaan dying was Aeryn dying in "Die me Dichotomy" at the end of season 2. Telling Crichton that she loved him as she's about to plunge into the frozen lake? Whew. And then everyone putting special things in the capsule with her... The only thing that saved me from reaching for some tissues was knowing there was no way in hell Aeryn Sun was really going to stay dead. Wait, there was also "The Locket". That was a good emotional one, too, when we see she really had John's picture in there and they lived like 65 cycles together on that planet. It was way too sweet and I loved every minute of it.

The season 3 opener "Season of Death", was a little weak. All I could think was uh, if it was so easy to bring Aeryn back, why didn't you do that right after she died, Zaahn? But then we find out Zhaan basically gives up her own life to do it. Good trade, though.

John and Aeryn... I love them together even though they're not really together but really they are. The relationship just sort of is. The DNA compatibility kiss was awesome, the way they both smiled when neither one could see each other. What was that "Look at the Princess"? That was a good 3-parter, featuring John as Han Solo in carbonite and if I'm not mistaken, that dude Aeryn was hanging with was the terminator from Sarah's dream in the TSCC pilot (and orderly at the mental hospital).

I'm sure there are a million more things I'm forgetting, but that's all my brain can muster for now.

tv, sci-fi, farscape, review

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