yesterday afternoon, the internet started going wonky here at work so for the last hour or so i entertained myself by deleting old emails. then this morning the internet was still wonky and i was beginning to get worried (a whole day at work without internet is just...well...i can't even bear to think of it). but luckily, it was just fixed and now i can gloriously surf without any inhibitions. i'm looking at you,!
so i was watching the news last night (Inside Edition with Deborah Norville is news, right? ) and it was like we were stuck in a time warp and it was the mid 1990s, what with OJ Simpson and Michael Richards making the headlines. Geez, did you see video of Richards onstage at that comedy club? talk about issues! and anger management! i didn't see him on David Letterman last night, but i heard about it. i just can't believe someone could get so out of control like that, and say those things at this time, in this culture. then again, i am a little bit (A LOT!) sheltered.
speaking of being sheltered, i spent the majority of last night - when not watching lame-o celebrities make asses of themselves on tv - cooking in the kitchen where a woman belongs. NOT! (said in Borat voice, which only works if others have seen Borat. i can't wait until it comes to video so when i say "high five!" or "sexytime" people will GET IT, y'know? kind of like how "my lips hurt real bad" only made sense to others AFTER napoleon dynamite was released on DVD, y'know?)(whoa, tangent much?). ANYWAY, last night i made potato asparagus soup for dinner and it was so good. asparagus isn't exactly in season so it cost an effing lot, but you only live once, am i right? it was worth it. then i sat down at about 7:30 and was like "ok, what now?" because i'm not in the middle of any good book and there was nothing on tv and TSM had his macbook with him at his internship, so i was afraid i'd get sucked into the dangerous realm of Channel Flipping While Eating Chocolate (better in theory than in practice. trust me). so then i flipped open VwaV (which i would MARRY, i swear, if marrying inanimate objects was condoned by society, and also if TSM didn't exist), and i decided to make blueberry corn muffins. i still had some frozen blueberries and a huge bag of cornmeal, so i went crazy with it. they turned out well. i used
modforpretend's suggestions to rinse the blueberries and then coat them in flour so they wouldn't turn the entire batter blue, and it worked! they are delicious, and a nice accompaniment to the soup. all in all, a delicious monday night.
tonight i really need to start cleaning the apartment in preparation for saturday, but what i really want to do is rent Strangers With Candy. i have never seen the shows or anything like that, but i LOVE LOVE LOVE amy sedaris and everytime i see a preview, i die. so if i have my way with life today, i will be viewing this movie. and maybe also eating chocolate. but not channel flipping!