somebody get the gun because i need to be stopped. i am thinking of baking TWO separate things tonight.
i know.
but the weather has cooled down (sweet jesus) and it's kind of a rainy day and putting on my pyjamas and my fabulous, coffee-patterned apron and spending the night baking while listening to, like, folk music sounds like heaven. of course, i will have to take a break from 8 to 9 when i will be in a vegetative state watching BB7 AND The Office at the same time. but other than that, i would just like to bake. considering i have a shit load (that is the technical, numerical amount) of blueberries right now, i am going to make:
1. blueberry scones. but not vegan. this recipe calls for 3/4 cup of heavy cream. yummm.
2. peach and blueberry cobbler, inspired by
snoopturtle. how can a recipe that takes august's best fruits and blends them with sugar and fat possibly go wrong?
TSM's parents are coming for a visit tomorrow night and i want to woo them with my domestic skills. see how well i fit into the stereotypical female mold? if only they knew the truth. my peach and blueberry cobbler will disguise that truth for just a little bit longer.
oh, and tonight's episode of The Office is the Valentine's Day one. that should have some delightful Jim scenes in it for sure.