
Jun 17, 2005 10:30

THANK YOU... for your response to my last post, I was SO freaked out (and still am a little) and you all made me feel so much better!! You validated my feelings and I really needed that! You made me *cry* at all the support you gave me...and I don't *cry* as a rule! hehe ;o)
Anyway have I said this before...YOU ARE ALL SO WONDERFUL...you know who you are!
Gees it took me ALL morning to respond back to all of you, but I did it!

I feel a bit better about it but it still bugs me everytime I see my babes butt :o( Like my best friend said "remember Maddie is not as hurt over this as YOU are, she has a *safe* place with you and your hubby in her home!! YOU NEVER DID growing up!!" Which is SO true but I still hate knowing that someone hurt her physically even though she is over it! :o(

So...today I am getting my hair done and I am thinking of going blonde...yikes! I LOVE my brunette hair but I am getting WAY too much grey now and I cannot keep up with it so I was thinking maybe go lighter with dark highlights and maybe it won't show so much?!?! Any thoughts on that?

Pills are working wonderfully, not that I am promoting them but honestly they help SO much with the "munchies"! I don't even feel hungry and I have lost a couple pounds already. Too lazy to put that behind a lj cut, so sorry for those of you that don't want to read that!

THANX again ladies! *hugs*
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