Aug 14, 2004 11:26
Well, I just had 2 hours of soccer...agian! This friday night/saturday morning thing doesnt work so well for me. Luckily BOTH are almost over. Actually I think the little kids only have one more game, so that should have been their last practise. As for my friday night games...we are guarunteed two more...Im pretty sure we wont win in the quarter finals because teams retarted and never shows up and bla bla bla im sure you've heard the story. If we are INCREDIBLY lucky...we may make it to semi finals, but something tells me we wont make it to finals this year =( boo miss last year Jenna Raquel Sarah n Suzana know! =p ((*stupid field and the stupid lights and having to win twice!!! lmao*))
So, my mom just went to best buy, to get ink, anyways she came home with this little buy heartland is hiring bla bla bla you can do it online so i say sure wut the hell i dont care. So i apply for customer service cause i didnt really understand the other things they had specialist at the end. anyways im pretty much available WHENEVER cept school hours...but go figure "u do not meet the minimum requirements for this position" n its not even from like past experience or anything because they dont even ask for anything, just your availability. so i start applying for ALL the positions and they all say the same thing. So what I dont get is why they dont just say we are looking for FULL TIME and day shift people...idiots! i really dislike stupid people.
I <3 rob because he <3s me and he better read my whole thing just like i read his whole thing!! =p if you dont rob ill be VERY upset with you!!!! (i wont spill ur secret no worries ;) lol)
Ugh, im like baking, its HOT outside...whatever! im not complaining...Im going to miss soccer =( its keeping me from sitting on my ass. I have two extremes...sitting on my ass...and running my ass off because the wingers are incompetant! and i gota cover center AND run across when they fuck im not bragging because i dont think im just saying whats true, they actually are useless...but its the effort and spirit that count! and i gotta give them that, no matter how many times they get beat (and beat BADLY) they keep at it! =) its kinda cute...and kinda sad...sorta like watching a little kid get picked on by bullies....hmm oh well Im really not looking forward to the time between the end of soccer and the start of snowboarding...except for the 2nd week of school when ill be in florida!
OH! and another thing...THANKS not gona name any names...i dont even know if you'll read this...but if you do, you'll know its for you! Youre such a fucking pig if i never had to see you again it would be all too soon! =@ take your stupid cocky attitude and shove it right up your ass because you arent all you think you are...TRUST ME...faggit! i hate guys...
boys are stupid throw rocks at them i really do!! they are useless! what are they good for, other then heartache? =( but at the same time i <3 them...only some...i miss kevin, why does he (a)have to live so far and (b)have to be so busy all the time and (c) only be able to do things at like 12...kevin your a poo!! =(
Well, i believe this is enough rambling on, wow this post is random, like i talk about all sorts of things!! lmao!! well im gona go for lunch now because really i havent eaten anything all morning and ive been running around like a chicken wtih my head cut off because little kids dont know how to pass you the ball!! DAMMIT! and they also miss the net worse then me and i have to go get their balls =p lol well im off