Feb 06, 2006 20:46
I could go on and on about how much of bull shit that game was yesterday. Those refs were paid off by the Steelers and made THE worst calls in Football history. Even Steelers fans were ashamed they had to win that way. More than 68,000 fans (both Steelers & Seahawks) called in to the League (whatever it is) to complain about the refs and their insanity. Every ESPN anchor voiced their opinion on how they think that Seattle god robbed....and i agree 100%. Taking back our first touch down...oh dam. I'm pretty dam bitter, but it will just be even better when we win that game fair and sqaure next year in Miami
...All in all, even though we lost, I had a great Super Bowl Sunday. We went to one of my sister's friends houses in tim-buck-too of Seattle, drank alot of beer....and decided to go out downtown afterwards despite the loss, we made the best of a sad situation. We ended up at "Seasound Lounge" did some dancing....ya ya whatever....ended the night earlier than i thought (but thats good) cause i was ready to go home. Unfortunately I missed Grey's Anatomy, but I had one of my friends tape it...I'M SO EXCITED to watch it. If you don't watch Grey's Anatomy- i suggest you start because this show is amazing. It's def. top 2 for me. So i have that to look forward to tomorrow.
..Anywho, I have the rest of my 'audition' for Gene Jaurez in Bellevue on Wed. And then I will FINALLY know when i start to work. You know who to come to if you ever need a haircut- i'll be starting at 40$. But hey- that's not bad, considering how luxurious this salon is...it's definately worth the experience, and we are trained higher than alot of the salons out there. I'm so excited to start working though. Having all this time off I have gotten soooooo bored, and just feel so lonely. I can't wait to get out there and start hanging out with new people, make new friends. I've realized i only have a couple friends in my life right now whom i can REALLY trust. It may take days, months, even YEARS to realize how someone actually is- and its better to find out than never. I am trying to surround myself with positive, real, mature & fun people. I don't need any drama. I just want to have fun, chill out & not have to worry about one of my friends talking about me behind my back. There is no need for doubt in a friendship, and i feel lately i have felt that "doubt" way too much than necessary. Anywho, i'm going to cut myself off before i get too deep: and freak ya'll out. haha!
...hope everyone had a good time watching the game...at least some of the commercials were entertaining.