Soooo, there will be no chapter this weekend (it still feels like the weekend to me because I have the day off, ha ha :P), because I WENT SKIING :D It was really fun and also gorgeous up there, and I brought my camera this time! So have a few photos. (And another cute Adria picture at the end xD)
Driving to the ski place :D
The pine trees look so pretty when they're covered in snow <3
You can kind of see a ski lift there on the mountain if you look hard enough (this one was taken with my bad camera :P)
Look at how high the snow drift comes on the lamp post! It's taller than that little white car right there!
This one = from my good camera, can you tell? This is the view off the porch of the condo we stay in <3
I know this has nothing to do with anything lol, but this is this amazingly awesome horse that lives at the barn where I ride! His name is Splash; he's a black and white paint horse, and he has one blue eye and one brown eye :D
And as promised, here's little Adria <3 Awww.
Thanks for your patience guys! And I promise I will have chapters out soon (*cough* because I have played up to the heir poll in-game and have 3 chapters I have to get out before I can play again *cough*). Until then, happy simming! :D