The Richmond Legacy: Generation 6, Chapter 1

Aug 01, 2010 23:22

Author's Note: Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Richmond Legacy! That's right - two chapters in two days. It's a miracle! Well, I hope you enjoy this update in the Richmonds' lives as much as I enjoyed playing it! Obviously as the 'generation 6' implies, we'll have a new addition to the family in this chapter! So read on and enjoy!

Warning: Mild language, adult content, all that good stuff.

The Richmond Legacy: Generation 6, Chapter 1

Missed something lately?
New House Tour
Generation 5, Chapter 9


We return to find Kylie and Kate enjoying the family's new trampoline and, surprise surprise, talking about art.

Next time I do a legacy, I'm soo picking a different family trait :P

Good thing the twins are distracting themselves, because...

Things with the newlyweds are *ahem* heating up, you could say.

And you all know what happened.

Reina: "Wow, that was so good. I gotta pee."

Reina: "All I wanted was to join the music career. That's ALL I WANTED!"

Reina: "And now my dreams will NEVER come true!"

Um... Rei? Honey. You can join the music career! I was gonna send you right after you showered.

Deodorant. Your sims need it. Lol iheartcarl3 XD
If you don't already, go check out the Harrington Legacy, it's hilarious.

Gabriel had a wish to join the Education career, and I was interested to try it since it hasn't been available since TS2. So Gabriel is now a Playground Monitor!

*Sigh*... Twinbrook is so pretty :) All the towns in this game are. I love how much effort is put into them :D

While he was out, Gabriel also stopped by the bookstore to buy every book they had in the "general," "skills," and "children's" varieties. I don't buy guitar compositions, recipes, or fishing books, but otherwise, we now own every book in the store. For only $20,000!

Gabe also became a partner of the business, since I had a ridiculous amount of money in the family funds. Lol. It has just occurred to me that all that came from about 30-some paintings we had stored up in the hallways and rooms of the old house. They must've gained a hell of a lot of appreciated value while I wasn't paying attention!

Reina was also out, joining the music career like she wanted. :3

Sydney and Julianna were tending to the new garden. It's taking a lot of work (especially since this is before I put in sprinklers :S.)

The next morning Reina woke up feeling mysteriously sick!

She ran all the way down the hall to one of the spares' bathrooms (I actually see her judgement here, I never throw up in my own bathroom, I always go to my parents' lol :P) to throw up. Hmm... Strange ;) Wonder why she's feeling bad?

Kylie: "Mmm, bread and jam, my favorite!"

Ozzie: "Damn it Ky, *I* wanted that bread and jam!"

Kylie: "You could've gotten your own! We have an unlimited supply in the fridge."

Reina tried out the drafting table :D I love all the new Ambitions stuff, even if for the moment the family is too busy getting settled to try it out.

Everyone was out of the house by 8 a.m. for work and school except these two. They often spent their mornings cooking vast quantities of food to store away as leftovers in the fridge, since no one else had time to make breakfast before leaving.

The only purpose for this picture is just that I absolutely love the Mad Scientist uniform XD

Between work, the garden, and her newest task, to make everything in the house self-cleaning that could be, it was hard to get a lot of shots of Julianna, sorry girl :\

Julianna: "Apology not accepted. You're making me work my ass off just because you had to go and wreck the other file where everything already was self-cleaning."

I really don't think you can blame this on me, Jules, I definitely did NOT want the other file to get ruined. It ruined itself okay? I'm sorry you've got so much to do. On the bright side you can retire early because you've already gotten your LTW and we don't need the money.

Julianna: "Sweet. I like you again. You are forgiven."

:P Thank you, your highness.

Kylie had gone to a friend's house after school! Anyone remember our lovely bald friend, Aiden Green? He was submitted by myanoel10 to be Kylie's spouse. Obviously I don't have the CC hair he came with :S He's cute though, right? :)

Well, anyway Kylie had already gone and met him, and they were friends, but that was before the crash (B.C. lol), so I had to do it all over again :\

An hour into her first day of work, Reina left to discover she was pregnant! :D

She rushed right home to tell Gabriel.

Reina: "Honey, we're pregnant! Isn't that wonderful?!"

Gabriel was really excited but I missed getting pictures. :P

Gabriel: "Honey that's GREAT news!"

Ozzie: "You're... pregnant? My baby girl is pregnant? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME FIRST?!?!"

Ozzie: "SNIFF!"

Gabriel: "Ooh, Rei, I think I hear it!"

How could you hear it? She's been showing, like, three hours.

Gabriel: "Shut up! You're RUINING my fatherly MOMENT!"

O.o sorry!

Gabriel: "Oh no... What if I scared the baby? What if he doesn't like me? What if he's mad at me for the rest of his life?!"

Reina: "Actually, the baby's a girl, darling."

Gabriel: "...I want a boy."

Reina: "We shall see."

Gabriel: "May the best parent win."

Looks like breakfast for dinner for the twins, huh?

Kylie: "Breakfast is the best kind of food."

Kate: "Besides, this is mac & cheese, not cereal, genius."

Oh, well, sorr-y!

Anyway the parents-to-be were spending some time reading pregnancy books. They wanted to be prepared!

Gabriel: "I'm preparing with vigilance!"

Reina: "Yeah, it's because I'm totally preggers!"

The next morning Sydney woke up and, um, creepily watched her husband doing his business. I guess that's what happens when there's a window between the bedroom and the bathroom lol.

Ozzie: "Um... Good morning?"

Ozzie: "You're such a funny girl, Syd. I love you."

Sydney: "I love you too Oz."

Aww <3 This picture reminds me of Hope and Jay, like, every morning as oldies.

I feel a flashback coming on...........

See? Awww <3

I guess it's the windows that reminded me lol.

AAAHH I don't have Hope and Jay's graves!!!! D: I'll miss them :'(

In case any of you were wondering. This is how many books you can buy for $20,000 simoleons. ^.^

Although it was day two, Reina was barely showing. I guess it's because she's so dang skinny, thanks to her real grandfather, Tad Higginbotham's, genes.

And, sorry Stacie, but I had to redo the garden. The greenhouse was adorable, but the plants weren't growing right, and it was taking up space that I needed for other stuff :P So here's the new garden.

Sydney was on the trampoline.

Sydney: "I feel like this should hurt! But I'm trying to look like it's fun!"

Love this picture XD

Ozzie: "Hey hey, nice view :D"

Thanks but I really don't need to know about you checking out your wife >_>

Ozzie: "No, I just meant I can see a lot of Twinbrook from here! I'm as tall as the house!"


Julianna: "Oh, I see how it is. I see. Syd and Ozzie get to have tonsa fun on their fancy new trampoline, while I'm stuck upgrading ANOTHER friggin sprinkler."

Sydney: "Bahaha! Jules you gotta try this!!! It's epic!!!!"

Reina: "I wanna be a billionaire, so frickin bad. Buy all of the things I never had. I wanna be on the cover of, Forbes magazine. Smilin next to Oprah and the Queen. WHAT UP OPRAH?! Hahaa!"

Lol love that part XD But I don't think that song has a guitar in the background, sorry...

Seriously? You fell off the trampoline without me?

Ozzie: "I did not fall off."

So what's with the 'bad landing' moodlet, huh?

Ozzie: "Yeah, well, sucks for you, you gotta be watching at all times if you wanna catch the magic."

Julianna: "Reina honey have you gained weight?"

Reina: "I guess no one told you, Aunt Jules. I'm pregnant."

Julianna: *coughchokecough* "WHAT?!"

Reina: "Yeah.... Get with the program. Thanks for calling me fat. :)"

Everyone in the house wanted to be a partner of three businesses, so we bought a share of the grocery store and the Bistro :D

Kylie: "What the hell?! How did this break?!"

Hmm.... Well... It looks like you broke it.

Kylie: "But I didn't do anything!!!"

Sorry. It just kinda works that way in Sims world.

Gabriel: "Thanks for forgetting about me."

What's that supposed to mean?

Gabriel: "We've lived here over a week, and this is the first time I've done ANYTHING to work towards my LTW."

Hey, you know, you've had work, okay? And I've needed you for other stuff. Don't blame me. You could easily have done this autonomously a long time ago.

My sims are so annoying >_> If I decide to let them do whatever they want for a few hours, they'll just stand there until I get fed up and tell them to do something. So much for high free will, right?

Sydney: "Hellz yeah, I'm awesome. Chopping stuff with one hand - and NOT LOOKING!"

Showoff >_>

Kylie: "That's what you get for messing with Kylie Richmond! Biotch!"

Sydney: "I hope Reina is happy. I stayed up til 2 a.m. just to make her a key lime pie to satisfy her ridiculous preggo cravings. She better appreciate this."

She will :)

Reina: "Thank you Mommy, this looks fantastic."

Sydney: "Yeah yeah. I'm going to bed."

Reina: "She does make the best key lime pie EVER."

You are totally screwing up your sleeping pattern. Just for some key lime pie?

Reina: "Yes. With gusto."

Baby bump <3 Today's the day!

Humberto the Third was in the garden XD I hope this one moves around more than the last Humberto did! He got really boring :S

Reina: "Ahh, bubble baths, just the thing for a heavily pregnant lady like me!"

It looks like she has a flower in her hair :) But it's just the bush from outside sticking through the wall lol.

Kate: "Finally! The third time. Then I can be done."

You know, you are the only one who brushes your teeth at ALL in this house! Yet you do it three times. Crazy girl.

Kate: "It's like I told Kylie. I'm not crazy. I'm just Neurotic."

Oh yes, so much better.

Reina: "Urmm... PROBLEM!"


Reina: "This is NOT 'yay'!!!"

Sydney: "Oh hey honey! How are you?"

Reina: "Um, Mom? I'm having the baby."

Sydney: "What's that? Having the baby? Ha! That's a good one! LOL! Having the baby... Haha!"

Reina: "MMMOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!! OWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sydney: "LOL! Nice try sweetie! Ahaha!"

Reina: "She is so DEAD later!!!!!!!!! OOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Finally! Sparkles!

And it's a...........................................


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(Lol just felt like making you wait a little longer :D)

It's a BOY!!!!


Seriously, there have been *counts in head* SEVEN girls born since the last time I had a boy! And that was two generations ago!!

Everyone welcome Miles Richmond to the family :D

Miles is Athletic and, of course, Artistic! I didn't write down his likes, because I never do, but his favorite color is black :)

Reina: "Aww... my little emo baby :D"

She's gonna be such a good mother, don't you think?

Hey, Kylie? You know you don't have to do your homework right? It's your birthday today. No point.

Kylie: "Are you shitting me? I did all that, ALL THAT, for nothing?!"

Sorry honey!

Sure enough, it was the twins' birthday that evening!

Kylie: "I wish for world domination. That's all."

Kate: "What should I wish for?? Umm.... A puppy? No, voice said we can't have those. Urmm.......... Ooh! I'll wish for cake! Yeah! Cake!!!"

Good wish honey. :P

Kylie went first :D

Kylie: "I'm so sexy, I can stick my arm through the wall. Hell yes."

Doesn't she look just like her daddy here?

Then it was Kate's turn!

Kylie: "Why did SHE get to keep her cute outfit and I didn't? >:( "

Kate: "It's because I rule."

Kate: "I'm over this."

Sydney & Julianna: "We're not! YAY! Parties! Birthdays! Woo!!"

These two are my favorite twins EVER. It's just the way it is. End of story. Bye bye! See ya later.

PS anybody who gets that reference gets a cookie.

Here's Kylie! She rolled Neurotic, which I find really entertaining because Kate is Neurotic as well XD I seriously laughed out loud when she rolled that, and I was like, "Oh Kylie, you WOULD roll that."

Also, if you're wondering about the white boxes. It's because even though I love the new makeover station, the background is really hard to put text over that is readable.

Apparently Kate didn't do as well in the four days she was a teenager in Twinbrook, so she had Good Sense of Humor locked in. Wow, what an awful consequence for not getting an A in school! :P

I gave Kate a businesslike look since she wants to be a journalist :)

And Kylie got a more relaxed look (she wants to be a chef like her mommy). And I'm not at all saying that Kylie is fat, but she's definitely not as skinny as her sisters. She's gorgeous anyway, but still, I wonder how that happened?

Also that night it was time for Miles to grow up! I was super anxious to see who he looked like!!!


And.... he's a girl? :S

Well, I see his mama's eyes and his granddaddy's hair! Not sure whose skin that is, everyone kind of has the same skin tone in this family. (We'll definitely need to work on that with this generation's spouses! :D)

Sadly everyone was completely worn out from three birthdays in a row, so Miles spent his first night in the world, looking like a girl. :\

Next morning...


Calm down sweetie! Someone will come get you. Hmm... Who to rudely awaken...?

Sydney: "There there baby. Grandma's here. I'll get you your bottle."

I can't believe she's a grandma already. I think this is the first time in this whole legacy that a sim has become a grandparent before becoming an elder! (Well, I mean, the first time they've been grandparents to the HEIR's kids). Because the heir has always been the youngest of the generation, up to now :P

Sydney: "Wait, Reina had a girl?!?"

Long story.

Sydney: "Here you go princess! Er, I mean, uh, champ."

Finally it was makeover time! When he got to CAS Miles was blessed with a *different* girl hairstyle... Such a cute little girl he would be... :S... Although actually I think his face is more boyish than girlish. Maybe it's just me...

Phew, much better!! I gave him sporty themed PJs since he's athletic :3 And I can finally use some of my boy hair!!!!!!!!!

I love his eyes <3 Even though they're not Gabe's :\ Oh well, next time!

*Shudder* I hate how their feet look when they sleep, before the bed has finished loading. o.o

Miles: "I wuv my bowt!"

The first boy since generation 4... He has stolen my heart <3

Miles: "Yew wants tew pway wif my bowt?"

Miles: "Yew can if yew wants!"

I'm in love.

And this is just in here to remind me that I changed Rei's LTW. I don't know, I just wasn't feeling the Rock Star vibe from her. She now wants to be Master of the Arts (max out painting and guitar skills). Soon she'll also have enough points to have Family-Oriented added to her traits :)

And that is all I have for you! :D I'd love to hear your thoughts, so please comment! Do you like Miles? What gender are you hoping for next time? Whose genes? Do you agree with me changing Reina's LTW? How in-depth should I go with Kate and Kylie's sibling update (coming soon, if not next)?

Another question I have. I read somewhere that there's a new way they want you to install CC. In the Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 folder, right? Do you know if that applies for Mac users? I'm gonna go with not, because when I tried it, everyone showed up brown-haired with base game hairstyles. But I read that if you don't change it, your game will stop working. I don't know what to do :S Thanks to anyone who can help me with this. Until then I'll just do what I've always done.

Thanks as always for reading, guys, and we'll see you next time on the Richmond Legacy!

richmond legacy, generation 6

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