Author's Note: Hello everyone! I hope you are extremely excited, because today is a big day!!! Today you finally get to know the results of the house submissions contest that was held way back in June (I hope you can remember back that far, lol I can't...)! I've finished decorating the house and it's finally ready to be shown!
And the winner of the house submission contest is.......
Well, it was a really tough decision, let me tell you. And I want to thank everyone who entered (or tried to enter... lots of crashing happened for some reason... I think the Richmonds just cause issues :P).
myanoel10 and
itzstacie both entered fantastic houses, and
mochakat21 tried to (damn crashes, I bet that was an awesome house :(.). Both the houses I got were wonderful! But in the end, I couldn't have both lol. So our new house is created by none other than
itzstacie ! Thank you so much!!
We'll start off the tour with the outside... To the right of the house, here is the garage! Woo! :P
The back of the garage, with a clothesline nearby :D I can't wait to use Ambitions with this family!!
Behind the garage is the graveyard, and the poolhouse! (One of my favorite things about this house :D). In the graveyard I placed little Dragon Vases to commemorate the generations whose gravestones have been lost - Charlie and Dorothy, Joey and Melanie, Chase and Liza, and Hope and Jay. I will miss all of their ghosts so much!
Here's a better shot of the pool and poolhouse.
Across the path from the graveyard is the playground area. Complete with a slide, swingset, foosball table, toybox, toy oven, play table, and of course, a Mysterious Mr. Gnome! I think I shall name this one Humberto the Third (even though there's no Humberto the Second... that's what makes it mysterious :P).
Another view of the playground.
There's also a jungle gym next to the pool, and beyond that, in back of the house, is the DECK! :D
It has a tree growing out of the middle of it, just like the old house <3 Two cute bistro-style tables with umbrellas, and a grill for our resident chef Sydney.
Beyond that, in the back left corner of the yard now, we find the pond.
Surrounded by trees and flowers, what a peaceful spot for fishing. I'll have to remember to stock the pond soon so Jules can start fishing.
Beyond that is the garden! There's an adorable greenhouse with a few plants already placed (I know it's cheating, but I feel like I deserve something like that after how much of the old garden I lost). The bad part about the greenhouse is I can't place any more plants in there (unless I did moveobjects on I guess). I might get rid of it... Or I might use cheats to place plants inside. I haven't decided yet.
Now we're on the left side of the house, where I've added everything you see here - a magnolia tree, which gives shade to a seating area, fire pit, and of course the family's new trampoline!! :D
A better shot of the seating area and fire pit.
I also put in this, a Gnubb set. Whatever the hell that is.
Front view of the house! (Also, sorry about the trees, I have tree detail set on low at the moment, which I haven't changed back from when I thought that was causing my CC issue. It's not the issue, so I should change it back, but I haven't yet.)
Right side view.
Back view.
Left side view.
Now for the indoors! This is the garage... obviously... I put in a replica of Jay's red Big Lemon, and since we lost the cop car from Charlie, I took the liberty of putting in a blue Prius ^.^
Now let's see the interior of the poolhouse!
Right when you enter there is this area, with a comfy sofa and a little hallway to nowhere.
Then there's stairs to the basement, which I'll show you in a moment..
Another cute seating area and two doors.
The door on the right leads to the bathroom.
The door on the left leads to the guest room!
Cute eh?
Then there's the basement. Here's the winemaking area...
Shelves and seating...
And my favorite part. A couch in front of a window :D A window? you might ask. In the basement? Why yes! It leads to...
The pool! So you can sit in the basement and watch people's lower halves as they swim :D
Overhead shot of the basement.
The main floor.
Now the real fun begins! On to the main house!
This is the entryway.
There are three doors, one straight ahead; one to the right;
and one to the left.
The one on the right leads to nothing other than the bathroom! Well, actually, it is something other than the bathroom... It's also the laundry room... But whatever. This is the main room, devoted to counters, sinks, and a laundry machine...
And arches lead to the toilet room and the bathtub room. Hooray for tricking the system! :D
The door on the left leads to the TV/living room. This is one of the major changes I made - this room used to have flowery wallpaper. But I love this paint color so much that I wanted to use it SOMEwhere. And this room seems to fit it nicely :)
Beyond the TV is the big fireplace :D
This is the flower-themed room :P
The door straight ahead in the entryway leads to this, the main hallway. There are lots of doors down it... We'll start with the arch on the left and go clockwise.
This archway leads to the kitchen!
Another thing I changed from the original house - the countertops. I like the modern kitchen look and these fit better with the wallpaper and flooring, in my opinion :)
Cute little island area... This is where all the birthday cakes will be placed.
The best fridge I could buy, although it's not as good as the one you get from mastering the culinary career. Luckily Sydney's on her way there so we'll have the good fridge soon enough.
The walls are rather empty at the moment... I need to work on that.
Then there's this fancy archway, which leads to the dining room!
The table (another change).
I love the theme of this room :D
After that we come to the library! Plenty of bookshelves,
and plenty of seating.
Next is a bathroom, one of my favorite in the house.
Screens separate the bathtub and shower from the main area.
I love the tiles on the bathtub and shower :D
Then comes the art room! We're at the very back of the house now. There are eight easels but I think one picture is enough to get the idea.
We've crossed over - we're on the right side of the hallway now, and we'll be moving back towards the front. This is the gym!
Plenty of equipment for exercising.
Then comes the playroom. As you can see there are PLENTY of toys, as well as a door that leads to the playground!
The door leads to the hallway. The arch leads to...
The nursery! There's four of everything in this room - four cribs,
four potties,
and four high chairs! Plenty of space for lots of babies ;)
Next is the study!
This is another room that desperately needs some paintings on the walls.
It has a door across from the one leading to the hallway. This door leads to...
The grandparents bedroom! Isn't it weird that this is where Sydney and Ozzie will sleep? I feel like Syd was just a little girl, playing in front of the mirror in her basement.
This room is pretty sparse as well (I was so anxious to start playing that I stopped taking a lot of time on rooms :P).
The archway to the ensuite bathroom.
Not much to see here. Although I think those windows need better curtains - the playground is about two feet away... >.<
Now for the upstairs!
The hallway looks basically the same. I love this window though!
We'll start at the master bedroom, which is right above the front door. And we'll go clockwise again. (Don't worry, there'll be overhead views at the end so you can have a better idea of where everything is.)
The heir suite has a door leading to a little balcony (which I forgot to photograph :S).
There's also this lovely fireplace (I think I need to add another light in this room).
And a cute idea of Stacie's... There are two bathrooms!
His and hers. See? :3
Along the left side of the hallway are mostly kids' rooms. They all have a bed and a cute fireplace. I've decided on two of them for Kate and Kylie, but I didn't bother decorating because the girls are moving out in 3 sim days. (I'm so glad they didn't move out before the crash! I want this generation to have at least a little extended family.) This is Kylie's...
And this is Kate's.
They are adjoined by a bathroom.
Another of the bedrooms I decorated was for Reina. Although it was stupid of me because Reina sleeps in the heir bedroom now.
It's cute though, right?
I love the new Ambitions furniture.
We're at the back of the house already! The left door leads to the would-be Reina's room, and the right leads to...
The portrait room! A lot of people do portraits of their sims on a white background, and I thought it was time for me to get in the loop with that. There are couches for seated shots, and the wall opposite this one is completely blank for standing-up shots. Yay! :D
There's a small modern bathroom...
And then this room. This is possibly my favorite room in the house. I just love how the stone walls look.
It's the Ambitions skill room! :D
I can't wait to see what this family will create with all these tools.
Oh! And I forgot to mention! There's a third doorway in Kate and Kylie's bathroom. It leads to this mini play area.
Cute :3
Overhead view time! This is the first floor.
And here's the second floor!
Of course, go me, I completely forgot to take pictures of the basement of the main house :S All it is, is two makeover stations, and a couple dressers and mirrors. It's where sims will go after their birthdays to get their makeovers. There's also a bathroom, and later, I'll add relics rooms (once we go on some vacations and get some relics again). I'll take pictures of the basement next time anyway though, because I'm sure you want to see it.
Well, that's all I've got for you! I really hope you like the new house!! I know I do! Thanks again Stacie :D Tell me what you think of the new house! I hope you're all excited for the Richmonds to start up again! I have missed them all so terribly. I kind of feel like they're my children...... The things Sims will do to your brain, eh? :P Well, leave a comment with your thoughts, and as always, thanks for reading!