Six Feet Under

May 27, 2011 01:09

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Rather than just being pure entertainment, when was the last time a tv series helped make you a better person?

Hands down, for me there's one show that pops out in my mind, "Six Feet Under".  Funniest thing?  The way I discovered the show was during an unexpected layover in Detroit with my mother.  We both learned the definition of auto-erotic asphyxiation thanks to the show.

I didn't seriously start getting into the show until it came out on dvd during my freshman year of college.  It came into my life at the perfect time.  I was struggling with my homosexuality, and here comes the character of David, going through the same issues I was.  The feelings of being trapped in a profession pushed upon him by his family.  Reconciling his homosexuality with his Christian upbringing.  Slowly coming out to his friends and family.

At some point in time, I could relate with every character.  Nate being the "black sheep" of the family.  Brenda and her precious upbringing, never feeling like she fit in with her own age group.  Claire, being the last child in the house, struggling to define herself.  Rico, building up a life that he no longer connected with.  And of course Ruth, keeping all her emotions pent up inside of her until they burst out at the most awkward moment.

Looking back, this show may have spurred my interested in the healthcare field.  Its unflinching, realistic portrayal of death every episode made it less scary, more calm.  Seeing this family relate to people who are going through the worst time in their life was inspiring.  Even now at the Apple Store, I cherish those rare moments where I connect with a frustrated customer, or smile at a patient in the hospital.  I still remember certain patients from the brief time that I was an EMT.

The most amazing thing about the show was that these characters felt like living, breathing human beings (despite having the worst shit thrown upon them every episode). As the seasons went on, they grew up and developed as well.  Keith and David are still one of my prime examples of a functioning gay couple.  The best way I can describe it is "ever evolving".  From separating for a time, opening their relationship, to changing careers, they are able to find a way to make it work.  It was absolutely believable. It's a testament to the talented writers and actors that were a part of this show.  I've kept multiple documents of the quotes I've gathered from the show.  Some of them have grown from simple quotes to mantras that I live by.

I've lost count the number of times I've shown episodes to friends.  Honestly, I can't help it.  When something affects you so much, you can't but help share it with the people you care most about.  The final episode is probably the best sendoff I've ever seen.  Part final chapter, part memorial service, part celebration, I rewatch it on occasion whenever I need a good cry.

So that's it, my gushing over a simple tv show.  Funny how it works, isn't it? So what about you, has any form of entertainment changed your life for the better?  Tv show, movie, music album?
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