Aug 04, 2011 02:13
Ok so I'm a little behind on my updates.... I actually can't remember the last thing I posted about lol so I'll just jump in at the current!
I'm off work right now on disability for my back. I'm so fucking sore it's ridiculous. And on top if that the doctors are messig with my drugs which are causing a bunch of nasty side effects, the biggest one being major fatigue. Like to the point I can't keep my eyes open shrike driving for more than 15 minutes. My final straw was when I hit the ditch on my way to work. All I could think about was what if I'd gone left instead of right and killed someone. I don't think work is overly impressed but I don't care. My health is #1. So I'm broke as a joke waiting for my claim to be processed. It sucks slot :-(
Tom had been quite understanding about it, which is awesome. He's been really good about letting me rest and take naps so I'm really appreciative of that right now
We moved into our farm house on Mat long weekend and we LOVE it! Addy is still adjusting but it will come with time. Se still misses my Parents alot even though she sees them lime 3 days a week. There have been some dealt long night getting her to sleep and she's in a pattern of crawling in with us around 3 am right now. So I end up squished between Tom and her and is wrenches on my back so I usually vacate to the couch.
Anyways, it's after 2 in the morning here so I'm off to catch a bit of sleep. I promise a better update soon!