Jan 29, 2010 22:24

The Elf embassy has been prepared. Half-rebuilt, from the ugly, square, squat building that it once was to something better, something with soaring arches and vaulted hallways and high ceilings.

Decorated, in true, elegant, understated-but-perfect Elven style. The best food, the best drink around, from the best cooks in the embassy. Hired music, Elf, human and demon. An open ballroom, the music, and upstairs, a balcony lit by candles and sorcery, a table bursting with refreshments, tables and chairs scattered around it in an apparently haphazard way.

It's not the ordinary, restrained Elf formal occasion. It's more human, more fun, and yet with a touch of elegance, style and class that humans rarely manage to pull off properly.

Aihlen lurks, around the edge of the ballroom. Proud at the setup, yes, but mostly curious as to what would happen tonight. What people would speak with one another, how the worldwalkers would act.

He looks forward to finding out.

lexington, grace falls, demyx, touya, tails, cassandra of troy, taryn, ariana matthews, npc: aihlenal, cordy estwynde, cris gainfly, renesmee cullen, bret mcclegnie, skyler, ianto jones, jemaine clemaine, cherry reyer, bonnie mccullough, cho takahashi, cedric diggory

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