a little street magic

Jan 05, 2010 11:44

Who: Irmingard of Landing and YOU
What: Magick-ing about
When: Tuesday mid-day
Where: The streets of Jhelbor

"There is more to being a magician than magic. You need to be clever."

It's cold in Jhelbor, colder than she's used to. Definitely not the right weather for a curbside show. Luckily, there are other ways.

"By the Gods, sir," she says with over-exaggerated worry as she steps into a man's path. "I believe you have something in your hat."

"They will know it's only a parlor trick. But if it's dazzling enough, they will be willing to forget, just for a moment."

When she reaches for it, he doesn't lean away or try to stop her. Good. She's got his interest.

"Let's see here... Oooh, tch-tch-tch. It's a good thing I stopped you, sir. Just look at this." She holds the hat back toward his face, and he leans in, playing along. Very good. He is rewarded with a shower of multi-colored sparks from the inside of his hat. She pulls it away again with a laugh. "Sorry about that, just a little joke at your expense, hope you don't hold it against me. Now let's see... Ah."

There's a pause, as she closes her eyes and opens the door to magic and shapes it, an effort that makes her shoulders tense and her lips tighten together -- and then a small red dragon bursts from the man's hat, flies twice around his head, and zooms off toward the winter sunlight before vanishing.

"Oof! Did you see those claws?" She takes a bow -- one hand extended, the other still holding his hat. Behind her back. "Lucky I caught it in time."

"You're not out to earn anyone's trust. They will always see you as a trickster. What you want is their respect."

She feels a coin pressed into her hand, trades the man his hat back with a smile, and looks down to inspect the coin as he begins to walk away. A drem. Long time since she's seen one of those.

"Thank you, sir! Tell your friends that Min the Magician rid you of your infestation!" Irmingard of Landing takes another bow, and takes a deep breath as she straightens again. The effects of magician's magic start out first as an almost heady rush, but a few more tricks like that and she'll need a rest -- and some food.

She reaches beneath her fur-lined coat to deposit the coin in the pouch at her belt, and starts looking for her next victim.

irmingard of landing, cassandra of troy

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