all roads lead to... something [OPEN]

Jan 05, 2010 10:18

WHO: Cedric Diggory
WHAT: returning
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: the road to Jhelbor and inside the city

Cedric liked snow, usually. Or he had liked snow, once upon a time. At home or at school, when he could sit with a cup of chocolate and watch fat flakes falling outside his window, he'd loved it. Now snow just meant less food and more chances to freeze and the near impossibility of travel without a horse. Nearly impossible, but not actually impossible. Robbie needed time, or space, or to go somewhere where Cedric couldn't follow. He didn't like it, but in the end, he'd done what Robbie had asked, which was to leave. Jhelbor seemed to be the best place to head. It was the closest thing to a home he had here, and not traveling with Robbie the Necromancer meant he was back to being just one more untrustworthy Magician.

So he was going back, and hopefully he'd find something there to make the trip worthwhile. So far all he'd found was ice.

lexington, cedric diggory

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