Dec 25, 2009 01:10
WHO: um... everybody
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jean yves,
sam lowry,
grace falls,
cordy estwynde,
cris gainfly,
bret mcclegnie,
ianto jones,
gob bluth,
jemaine clemaine,
cherry reyer,
cho takahashi
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Yeah. No. Terrible idea.
He arrived at Cho's alone, then, wearing a seasonally appropriate cheerful smile, and wandered towards the tree he'd brought her to see how she'd decorated it.
Well, except for that guy -- Pride and Prejudice convention, perhaps?
An improvement nonetheless.
Intrigued, Grace strode across the room, using her elbows and shoulders to maneuver her way through before comfortably sidling next to Ianto.
"Who'd you have to fuck to get that?" Grace asked with a shit-eating grin, clearly impressed.
She paused and looked him up and down, more analytical than debauchee. "Weren't into the medieval vibe? A bit more renaissance fop?"
And then she laughed in return. "And what was it, pray tell, that you were concerned with?"
...if he was mad, probably, but he'd take his amusement where he could find it.
"But never mind that. I always felt that Roy Ascott ought to be made some sort of spokesman for Royal Ascot. Just think of the magnificent hat they could have put him in. Would've suited him, I think."
And yes, they came out exactly how she'd intended.
"I accidentally backed my car into a group of Royal Ascoteers once. It was like looking at roadkill and realising it was once a flock of parakeets. I think it was when I ran over them a second time that really ruffled their feathers, though. Just you wait until judgment day!" She made a wild, erratic gesture, pointing angrily. "I told them if they could prove to me that homeopathy works I'd pay a million dollars to my nearest church. To their credit they did a have lot of argument. Nothing to back it up, mind, but oh-ho they tried their best. You're going to go to Hell, they said. Honestly? Telling me I'm going to hell is like a hippie telling me they'll punch me in my aura."
And then she scoffed. "Yeah, I imagine you wouldn't. I'd liken it to hell."
Well. There was probably plenty. But since when did that stop them?
Right. Introductions. "Grace Falls. Georgia. 2009." It felt relevant to introduce herself in such a manner -- though by his general speech pattern she deducted he wasn't far from her decade.
"You sound Welsh. Or Cornish."
Nothing she'd said had felt like a lie. He wasn't sure that meant anything from someone like her, but there it was. Grace Falls, though, really? Sounded like the title of a poem, an earnest but overwrought one teaming with poorly executed metaphors. He was quite happy to stick with the apparent hitman connotations, himself.
"Welsh." That was impressive too. Few people outside of Britain were equipped to make that call, but then again, perhaps he was assuming too much. "Spent much time in Britain, Grace Falls?"
She made a fucking amazing latte.
She paused with a crooked smile. "And you, Ianto Jones?"
Not from Earth at all? Okay, alright, that went straight over her head. "Huh. And they all just fell through a tree, then?" So that was how Jack caught his victims. Naked and disoriented, occasionally drunk -- add a random forest and a reasonably handsome man -- yeah, he had it in the bag.
Though she still wasn't entirely convinced this wasn't a ridiculously long and tedious dream. But whatever. At least this ridiculously long and tedious dream was occasionally throwing her a bone.
And hey, this guy wasn't a total idiot.
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