Mid-morning on Christmas day, the following gifts are delivered via messenger:
Jemaine, Bret, Sonic, and Tails
Two letters, one to Jemaine and Bret, the other to Sonic and Tails.
As you risked your lives to save mine, I felt it was only fair that I do my best to see that you never have to worry about the life you have left. This won't make you wealthy by any means, but manage it well, and you'll never have to worry about staying fed or sheltered. You needn't worry about making any arrangements for production; that's all taken care of. A cheque will be delivered monthly. I recommend setting up an account at one of the local banks.
With sincerest thanks,
Ianto Jones
Attached is a copy of the Rowan equivalent of a patent (originals are filed with the Zelikmen). Jemaine and Bret seem to have invented the safety pin; Sonic and Tails the paperclip.
A thin book filled with page after page of poetry, mostly T.S. Eliot, but a fair amount of Dylan Thomas as well. The last few pages are E.E. Cummings. The book is unsigned and there's no note, but it's all in Ianto's handwriting.
A collection of clothes, demon-made: the Steampunk/Victorian look. Blouses, skirts (knee-length per Ianto's request), and a coat. Colours are black, white, grey, and purple. They don't fit perfectly, but it's close.
Ianto Jones
Jack gets a coat too. The coat. A grey wool WW2-era greatcoat, complete with rank braid and brass buttons. It fits perfectly. A silver pocketwatch is, appropriately enough, in one of the pockets.
Jack also gets a gun. Not much of a gun compared to what he's used to, but it's the best Rowan has to offer: a musket, heavily modified by Ianto. It was his gun, once.
There is no note. Ianto doesn't feel it's necessary.