I told the witch doctor I was in love with you [open]

Dec 04, 2009 16:14

Who: Cordelia, Cherry, and special guest stars
What: Visiting hours
Where: Among the Human wounded
When: All day Friday

For days after the battle, Cherry had been drifting in and out of consciousness. At times, uttering unintelligible prattle, at other times, completely comatose, her condition seemed uncertain. But today, for the first time since her head injury, Cherry was awake and sitting up in bed. Although slightly unfocused, she was deemed well enough to receive visitors.

Cordelia, who had been spending nearly all her time with Cherry, sat either beside Cherry's side or on the ground by the bed. She had some thread and a handkerchief in hand, embroidering a design.

[Note: Both Cordelia and Cherry are present for all conversations.]

bret mcclegnie, jemaine clemaine, cherry reyer, cordy estwynde, cedric diggory

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