Who: Bret and Jemaine
What: Finally talking
When: Friday
Where: Their flat/apartment/place/whatever in Jhelbor
Bret needed to visit Cherry. He was still waiting on a response from Cordy -- and he wouldn't blame her if she didn't write to him right away, not if she was keeping Cherry company -- but he figured that he'd probably just head over on his own, eventually.
But he didn't want to go alone. He really didn't. Sure, he was probably just psyching himself out. He kept thinking about when Kale had hit hurt his head and Cho had to keep reminding him where he was. He didn't like that idea. And he didn't know how he would face it if that was how Cherry was. And if she was worse...
He didn't want to go alone.
He closed his journal and looked at the door, wondering where Jemaine had gone. Like he needed more things to worry about. At least the war was on hold for the time being. Assuming Jemaine didn't get into some crazy demon party and start making questionable decisions, he would probably be okay. Or. Wait. He'd been encouraging questionable decisions. Right. Bret's mind was fuzzy.
He didn't know what he wanted.
He wanted Jemaine to come home.