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Dec 01, 2009 14:59

Who: Cassandra, Bret, Cris, and anyone else!!
What: Still alive, baby?
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Some random bork place in Jhelbor

...for old friends who've just met. )

cassandra of troy, bret mcclegnie, sam lowry, jemaine clemaine, cris gainfly

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weedyshyguy December 2 2009, 05:01:09 UTC
Bret was in a daze. He was glad to have Jemaine -- not have him. Whatever it was to be around him again. To just be near him...

He was happy. The happiest he'd been in a while. He was.

That didn't make Jemaine any less vexing though. He'd always been grumpy and difficult to live with. They'd had spats. But this was...different. And Bret knew part of that was his fault and he hadn't exactly helped things but grabbing Jemaine's hand like he had. And squeezing. He'd pulled away as soon as whatever that feeling was went away, but it was still...More than he was ready to admit to. And he'd decided he was never going to admit anything.

Anyway, Jemaine was being especially grumpy but since it was clear he didn't have any intention of leaving forever, Bret decided it was okay to take a walk. Part of his mind was still convinced this was a bad idea and he'd lose him again, but the rest of his mind was just too exhausted to deal with anything just then. He needed fresh air.

But now that he was in the fresh air, he couldn't help but worry about people. He'd assumed since he hadn't heard anything that everyone was alright, but he'd still feel better once he saw everyone for himself.

And right on cue, he spotted Cassandra in the distance. Forgetting that she wasn't the most stable person and running at her without warning was probably the last thing to do just after she went through a battle, he did just that, and upon reaching her threw his arms around her shoulders and held her close. "Cassandra! You're okay. You're okay. Thank God," he murmured, more reassuring himself than actually expecting a response.


cassie_of_troy December 2 2009, 05:25:55 UTC
Cassandra was startled. Not by the hug, that was kind of nice. She was more startled that she wasn't startled. If that made any sense. She hadn't even seen Bret coming, hadn't heard him, had had no indication, really, that he was nearby. And then, there he was, his arms around her like the loving big brother she had never had (although she had had fifty). Her shock was momentary, her whole body jerking. And then it softened and she was wrapping her arms around him, holding him just as tight.

She somewhat surrendered her sense of time for a moment, just living there, feeling this powerful affection. Truth be told, it was rather addicting. She wasn't sure she wanted to let the moment pass too quickly. How much she had changed since arriving in Rowan. Perhaps, just perhaps, even for the better, if this was any indication.

"Don't thank the gods," she told him gently. "We survived on our own. We..." She couldn't bring herself to conjure up any sort of lecture right now. She was just so happy to see him. "We survived."


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