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Dec 01, 2009 14:59

Who: Cassandra, Bret, Cris, and anyone else!!
What: Still alive, baby?
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Some random bork place in Jhelbor

For quite a long while, Cassandra had not been able to find her legs to venture far from where the Human medics remained, watchful over the most severe of traumas. She had done her part, lending a hand when one was necessary, but for the most part, she had remained sentry with her bow. As things settled down and the city was divided up into territories, Cassandra's thoughts turned to Cris and Bret.

She cared for no one in Rowan so much as them. This fact was quite startling to her, but that didn't make it any less true. She wanted to see them, to hold them, to know that they had survived. Somehow, scribbling out a frantic message in the journals would not be satisfactory. Cassandra wanted hard evidence in front of her own eyes. This drive made her remember her own fierce and foolish courage and so, she finally took to the streets.

The last time she had wandered Jhelbor, looking for someone, it had been Othryoneus, back when she still thought she was dead and her reward was finally waiting for her in the byways of Elysium. She was wiser now, but still, finding Bret or Cris or, really, anyone she could call a friend, would be ample reward. She could still feel the tensions rising. Soon, Jhelbor would explode. When that happened, she wanted her companions near to her. It was too soon to be broken apart again.

cassandra of troy, bret mcclegnie, sam lowry, jemaine clemaine, cris gainfly

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